Chapter - 50

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Karan picked Avni and Manya sharp at seven. And he hadn't been able to help but admire Avni's outfit for the evening. It was simple and yet beautiful. She looked beautiful with her hair open and the light make up. He could see she had made an effort. And he wondered the reason for it? As doubts clouded his mind he realized he had been pondering over certain things he had seen, the entire week. What was her connection with Uday? And where did Riddhima fit into all of this? He had a nasty suspicion but he wanted confirmation for it and so he had on an impulse planned for the dinner. He hadn't told Uday or Avni yet that he had asked Manya to invite Riddhima too. He wanted to see if his suspicion was correct or just too much thinking on his behalf. He hoped there was no basis to it. As Manya sat in the front Avni took the back seat. She was her quiet usual self.

As Karan drove he couldn't stop himself from remembering the shadows he had seen under her eyes this morning when she had met him. She had been shy and polite but he had seen a strange light in her eyes when she had spoken to him. As if she had been relieved that he was back. As if she was happy. Why? Had something happened when he hadn't been there? Manya probably had no idea or she would have spoken to him. Uday was another story lately. There was something on his brother's mind and Karan knew it. Despite his regular lazy smile and jokes he had noticed Uday being on edge. What was it that was bothering him so much? Karan wasn't sure if anybody else had noticed the strain he had been trying to hide. It had been there on Sunday and it was more so today when he had met him in the morning before he had gone to work. He hoped things were not so complicated where he couldn't help either his brother or Avni or both. But what would he do if Uday had new feelings for Avni? That question put a bitter taste in his mouth and he decided to wait and confirm his suspicion first. They reached the restaurant and waited for Uday. A taxi arrived and Riddhima got off it. Karan watched Manya greet Riddhima with affection but when it came to Avni both she and Riddhima stiffened. He watched Avni carefully. The girl was uncomfortable suddenly. She said a quick hello then fell silent. Riddhima on the other hand refused to acknowledge her greeting. Were they not on talking terms anymore? But why? Then Uday came. And while he was as surprised to see Riddhima with them he quickly recovered and greeted each one of them properly though he did speak to Avni more gently. Karan frowned.

They went inside the restaurant. Karan had already made reservations and so the manager took them directly to their table. Once they were seated Karan noticed how attentive Uday was to Avni and how irritated Riddhima looked with him. As they read the menu and Avni took longer to decide Riddhima started the attack.

"Well, Uday why don't you order something for Avni too?" she said sweetly.

Karan raised an eyebrow and looked at Avni. She had bent her head so low her face was hardly visible but the tautness in her body suggested she felt strained. He looked at Uday who was visibly glowering at Riddhima.

"She can order what she wants Riddhima," Uday said keeping a pleasant tone despite his irritation with her, "she knows what she wants," he said.

"I was just suggesting since the two of you are so close," Riddhima replied with a smile but it never reached her eyes.

Uday looked a little pale at that and Avni had definitely sucked in her breath at the comment then buried her face behind the menu.

"What's your problem?" Manya asked irritated with her friend. Off late she had been acting so strange it wasn't funny anymore. This was Karan's dinner and he had invited Riddhima since she was close to Manya and here she was attacking Avni again. What was her problem? Not to mention she was ruining everyone's mood. There was just so much Manya could take. It wasn't as if she hadn't noticed the number of visits this week and the way she had spoken to both Avni and Uday.

"Nothing," Riddhima answered with a shrug, "I was just saying since she is taking so much time to order maybe Uday could help her since he and she are such good friends maybe he knows what she likes," she said and at the glare she got from Karan she fell quiet.

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