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🎶 Now playing: Snooze by SZA.

Antonio rushed back home after driving Reign to her apartment since the incident. She wouldn't say anything to him, and judging by the way she nearly broke the car window from slamming the door so hard, she wouldn't be speaking to him for some time either.

He sped onto the driveway to catch his father; which he did. This time around he was alone, pacing back and forth in the office. Antonio's jaw flinched as he stood at the door. Morris fired back a sharp stare before going back to the Rubik's cube he'd been messing with. "You had something to do with my arrest right?" Antonio calmly questioned.

"You know son, things have been rocky since your mother passed, I don't know what to tell you..." he spoke up.

Antonio let out a dry laugh as he shook his head, "Ma passed sixteen years ago, don't bring her into this," he pulled a face at his father's statement. "Two illegal firearms found after you've been pumping stock into the store... and you want to tell me about my mother?"

Morris returned a chuckle just as dry in response, "There's a lot going on right under your nose Antonio. If you would just get your head out the clouds, you'd see that it's not so bad either." Morris spoke up. Another excuse to derail Antonio from his dream. However, that statement lingered in his mind because there was clearly a lot going on that he was unaware of.

"Being a loan shark? You're operating some kind of illegal business at my store," his voice went up a notch, making Morris shake his head in disapproval of his tone. "You better watch that attitude, you're still under my roof." He warned. "And you want me to be okay with it? That shit ain't happening." Antonio finished off as he headed out. Maybe getting his own place wasn't such a bad idea after all, but he settled on staying with Ms Maya for some time, just to clear his head. After packing his things, he walked down the stairs and bumped into his father again.

"I don't blame you for how you feel. What happened to you shouldn't have, and it was a mistake on my end."

"A mistake that won't happen again. We won't be accepting your donations no more since all this shit is happening under my nose..." Antonio bluntly spoke up, preparing to leave the house.

Morris shook his head, "Well maybe you should talk to your girl about that. What's her name, Justine?" He finished, indirectly raising alarm within Antonio. "Bro, what...?" He whispered, more so to himself.

If he thought they wanted different things and didn't get along currently, there'd be a lot more in store for him regarding her actions.


Number? Blocked. She'd even resorted to a new route for her morning jogs. Given their small town, almost everything would remind her of Antonio so she did her best to protect the little joys she indulged in before they met.

But how was she to do that, when he'd implanted himself in her adored places. The park? Mauro hit her with a ball as part of Antonio's plan. Their first time meeting. The jogging trail? Antonio brought himself right along. Oh, the beach? The place where they sat and chatted before filming visuals for his song?

He was everywhere, whether she liked it or not. For the 2 weeks that she'd tried distancing herself, all she could think about was how there was actually nothing wrong with him as a person. He was a gentleman and very intent with Reign, but she wasn't fond of everything else that came along with him. His baggage.
The real question was whether she was willing to put that aside and continue seeing him, but only her heart could decide for her now.

Walking slowly after a long lecture, Reign smacked her lips as her music paused from an incoming phone call, making a small smile appear on her face when Lee's picture popped up. "Hey," she spoke up, feeling her pace somewhat increase. She was off from work today because of her classes and tests. "Hey, what are you doing? And don't tell me you have to study or attend classes because I know you're done for the week." Lee spoke through the line.

"I don't know Lee, I just wanted to chill today. I've been feeling quite congested since the whole thing with Antonio, you know?" Reign vented, making her best friend chuckle. "I've never heard you call him by his full government name ever since you met him. So... have you decided, are you done with him?"

Reign paused for some time before speaking up. At this point, anything other than the word yes would come out of her mouth, "I... I don't know. I do know that I really like him, despite everything. And I know you're going to tell me he's the first guy I've ever been into and there'll be many more and-"

As if Reign could see Lee, she shook her head repeatedly, "I'd never tell you what you should and shouldn't do. This is what our twenties are for, girl; figuring it out. If you genuinely like him, then there's no harm in following your heart." Lee advised, earning a reassuring smile from Reign. "Just know that you owe me though, the last time we went out was that Artist Joint thing... and you still couldn't get enough of Tone," she teased. "Okay, shut up. I got you."

They said their goodbyes quickly as Reign's gaze froze on a sight that caught her by surprise. She backed up from the shady building isle to carefully watch Justine exchanging black duffel bags with a couple street guys. All she could think of was to take a picture before hurriedly walking away. It was ironic how using a different route from campus led to her seeing what she'd just seen.

"Beautiful rose for a beautiful lady...?" Snapping her out her trance was Mauro holding a single, fresh rose. A big smile appeared on her face as she roughed him up jollily. "What, is a ball gonna come flying to my face?" She asked him as he laughed shyly. "No, no. Tonito's store is reopening so we just want the people, especially very beautiful ladies like you, to know that we're back in business baby!"

"The store's reopening? Did... they solve the case?" Reign trailed especially because of what she'd just seen. It could only make sense that Justine was behind the misunderstood arrest, but she didn't know how she was to prove it. Not that it was any of her business but she couldn't just brush past what she'd seen seeing that it could potentially link to Antonio's unjustified arrest.

"Well it's still ongoing, but he has the go ahead to resume operation. And I think reeling you into the store will earn me a few free games-"

"I knew it, always a catch with you!" Reign scrunched her face at Mauro's usual mischief. "Anyone can see that man is head over heels for you Reign, and besides, it looks pretty cloudy out here. Don't you want to stop by the store and shop to avoid the rain?" He convinced her slyly but Antonio appeared soon after, as he'd only been a short distance from where Mauro had been passing some flyers along with the flowers.

He knew he'd probably never speak to Reign again if he didn't take this chance. Feeling like he'd done some work, Mauro wiggled his thick eyebrows before walking off with the remaining flowers in Antonio's hands. Reign looked up at him silently, waiting for him to say something first.

"I promised you I'd explain everything to you, so if you're free I'd really appreciate if we could talk..." Antonio spoke softly as he tugged on the hoodie strings that covered Reign's head.

"I don't feel like being out and about right now and I'm heading home so I'd really appreciate if you could make it quick?"

"I hope I won't be overstepping by asking to come with? I really need to speak to you."

"Store opening, what about that?"

"You're more important."


Went a little MIA but finally dropped another chapter. Please like and vote. 🫶🏽

Should Reign give Antonio another chance?

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