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🎶 Now playing: I Can't Stop Loving You by Kem.

2 days later...

"When was the last time you spoke to Reign?" Lee's face remained furrowed. To say she was worried could've been an understatement because she would never go a day without speaking to her, even if it were just on the phone, regardless of what they both had going on. Her distant gaze landed on her daughter and her brother who were more than occupied by the game they were playing on the PlayStation.

Riley unmuted herself after a while, "I've just checked her location on Find My iPhone, it's off."

"Mine too," Lee checked her phone once again to make sure she was not tripping. "This is unlike her, I need to go check on her."

"Please let me know when you hear anything. I'll keep trying on my side but her phone seems off."

Lee ended the call and hung up before grabbing her purse and slid into her brown sandals. "Y'all, I'm going out, be right back."

Ro'Shawn replied in a quick nod before going back to the game with his niece.

Lee rushed over to Reign's place and knocked a few times before using her spare key to let herself in. She studied the house thoroughly and everything seemed to be in place... but no Reign. Lee calmed herself down from a potential panic and walked out again.

After asking around, she made it to Roman's place to find Antonio. She thought that maybe this was one of his antics for her refusing to help him the other day, even if it didn't make any sense. "You got a minute?" She asked strictly, implying that Antonio had to step out. Roman stared and followed with his eyes quietly, obviously liking what he was seeing.

"Are you finally going to help me?" Antonio replied in high spirits, only for his positive attitude to come crashing down.

"Antonio please," Lee's agitation got the better of her. "I haven't spoken to her in two days, I'm practically the only family she has here, where is she?"

Antonio's eyebrows furrowed, "Lee, what are you talking about?"

"Her live location's off, she's not at her house and she's not answering our calls so I wanted to check with your sneaky ass before-" Lee abruptly burst into a paanic frenzy. "Something's wrong and I'm going to the police, I don't even know why I'm here!"

Roman shot Antonio a look he knew all too well. "Hey, calm down. You go to the police so long, I'll ask around and make a plan."

"You better make a plan because all the shit she's going through is because of you! If anything happens to her or-" She quickly paused before saying anything that wasn't meant to be said by her, pointing warningly before walking off.

Antonio scurried back inside as Roman stood up, "Look brother, you don't have to worry about anything. We're going to find her. Let's split up, ask around and see why we can find then regroup later on." He suggested before dapping him and going his separate way.

Antonio's mind raced for a minute before he gathered himself. It was almost as if he had all the pieces to the puzzle; it was just a matter of putting them together.


"What do you mean close the case, I've already handed in the footage!" Ms Maya spoke in anxiousness.

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