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🎶 Now playing: Through the Night by Maeta (featuring Free Nationals).

Antonio had earned his spot back into Reign's life through the promise he'd made to clear the air. They ended up speaking about everything. Life, upbringing, different challenges they faced within their individual lives, the good and the bad that came with living in their town, everything.

The rain gushed down the roof as Reign pulled her curtains towards each other as it had already turned dark. Preparing to dish up some pasta that they'd both put effort into, she struggled to reach the wine glasses on the top shelf, indirectly making use of Antonio's lanky presence. He stretched his arm to get two wine glasses, towering over her innocently, making her inhale his scent. It was never too strong; always clean, crisp and fresh like an ocean breeze.

Even though they'd spent about two hours talking, she still felt they could go on and on, "So... your girlfriend, what exactly does she do?"

"She's no longer my girlfriend, but she works at the store occasionally, why? Is she still tripping on you about us-"

"No, no. I've actually never said a single word to her. So she works at the store?" Reign carried on, inquisitive as ever. She was trying to see how Justine fit into his arrest, because she definitely did.

Antonio held the wine glasses in his hands while Reign led them to the couch with their chicken Alfredo on a tray. "My relationship with Justine has was complicated from the day we started dating. We were comfortable with each other. Looking back at it," he paused as he stared into space after taking casual sips of his wine. "I don't even know why we dated. I could never talk to her about my passions and interests, my music or anything challenging... it was just the same old routine everyday."

"I honestly admire how passionate you are about music, I might not know much about the backend of it , but I love that you're so passionate about it. People are just... getting by with no guidance from a higher power or gut feeling, you know?" She said.

Antonio stopped talking in attempt to get Reign to say more than just interrogate him, "I love your perspective on that. I've been going on and on about my shit, my bad." He sincerely said as Reign shrugged with a little laugh, fully indulged in her food. "You also have a way of redirecting the topic back to me though. I want you to be fully comfortable with talking to me."

Reign cleared her throat, "I... I'm working on that. Growing up alone makes you so independent that sometimes it's a trauma response."

"How was it? Growing up in different homes?" He reverted back to her, also indulging in his food.

"Well I was never abused or anything like that, but sometimes I just think of how different life could've been if I had a mom, or a dad... siblings." She spoke softly, feeling her emotions well up. "Hey," Antonio reassuringly placed his hand over hers. "Look around you. You're doing phenomenal. You have your own place, you're studying and working in a field you're passionate about," they shared a laugh over passion being a recurring topic for the evening. "It might not be many people but those that are around, including me, care about you and your well-being. Not to mention you're smart, and drop dead gorgeous-"

"Okay, now you're just trying to butter me up..." Reign shyly looked away with a smile plastered on her face. "Now I know for sure Mauro spends too much time around you and Roman." She teased Antonio as he smacked his lips, finishing the remains of his pasta.

"But for real Reign... I like you, a lot." He confessed, looking into her brown orbs. "I know our past few interactions have been undesirable but I genuinely like being around you. I'm honestly not sure what's happening with my father, the store, the illegal weapons and what you experienced when you came over, and I'm sorry for putting you through it... but I- I want to spend more time with you, hear you talk about all that big dentistry terminology and watch how your face lights up."

Reign pouted, "I'd be lying if I said I didn't like being around you either, but I'd also be lying if I said that situation didn't trigger me..." 

"Again, I'm sorry about that. I can't really control my father's drama but you won't experience anything like that again, especially unprovoked. Rest assured." The confidence in his tone made Reign nod slowly, mentally noting that his father had some shady dealings going on. Justine too.

She'd been fighting the urge to pull her phone out and show him the picture she'd taken of Justine, because what would the point be? A picture could be interpreted differently. "What exactly does he do, your father?"

"I don't know anymore. Growing up, you could see that he was more of a businessman, he had a couple convenience stores but now? I'm not convinced he's doing anything legal, I'm sure you could agree."

Reign shrugged simply, "I'm not one to judge so I'd rather not say anything. I still can't believe you missed your store opening for... whatever this is," she carried on, making him chuckle at the probably overdue topic change. They had since settled their bowls on the coffee table, with Reign's leg extended over Antonio's lap, a habit she couldn't force herself out of. "I like this better... and besides, Ms Maya loves that type of stuff so I wouldn't want to rain on her parade. I'll see her later."

"You talk about her often, I've noticed..."

"Yeah, she means the world to me. She's practically my mother. She's been supporting me for as long as I can remember."

Reign had her hands resting comfortably on her belly. Due to their equally observant nature, they took each other's presence in. Antonio felt a little mushy when he'd lock eyes with her sultry, almond shaped ones, or something as little as Reign putting her leg over his. He felt like she was warming up to him; she was comfortable, safe.

Reign admired his gentle nature. The way he spoke to her, looked at her, or how he would nod intently to show deep interest in what she was talking about, even if it was a complicated dentistry topic. "We are gonna be great, Tone. You're going to be this big shot musician some day and-"

"And you're going to have your own practice, be a successful dental hygienist, our kids gonna have the coolest parents..." Antonio teased, causing Reign to burst out in laughter. "I think the wine is getting to you a little bit," she spoke in between laughter. "You think?"

Then slowly, he leaned in for a kiss. She held on to his face as he caressed her thighs over her sweatpants. Reign anxiously paused to stop him, seeing that things were getting tenser. "I... kinda have to get some work done." She spoke against his lips.

Antonio gathered himself, "No worries. I can do the dishes quickly and relieve you."

Reign melted internally at the extremely nice guy sitting next to her. He had now reached over one of her textbooks to skim through it. "It's a bit hectic in there," she giggled. "This is math? I can help you out, if you're down. Math was actually one of my majors while I was studying."

Smart too? Why is he kind of ticking all the boxes I didn't know I had for him? Am I about to risk it all despite his drama? Reign thought to herself.

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