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🎶 Now playing: Understand by Rucci (featuring Blxst).

"So what are you going to do now that you know she's the one forging your signature?" Reign broke the silence that had pondered between them due to pulling statements and numbers for almost two hours now.

Feeling at wit's end, Antonio tugged on his goatee out of frustration. It was going on 2am in the morning and they were still at the store after confronting Justine. The bittersweet moment had him feeling all types of emotions because again, he was dragging Reign into his drama. "I really don't get why. This whole thing doesn't make any sense."

"Do... you think she's working with your father?"

"I know she is, I'm not sure why, but I'll figure it out. Enough of that though," he paused as he scooted closer to her. They'd been sitting against the wall on the floor of the storeroom. "How are you? How are you feeling?"

Reign smiled small, looking away shyly, "I'm fine, why?" She turned her head back at him. They actually hadn't caught up since the date and it's activities. "I want to make sure you're good. Were you comfortable? How can I make the moment better for you next time?"

Out of usual habit, Reign pressed her lips together, "Uh... I'm honestly good. No funny feelings or symptoms. Yes, Tone, I was comfortable. The next moment will be just as great, if not better." She expressed as they shared a laugh to ease the conversation.

"I hope you know this isn't a once off thing for me. That proposal is still pending...?" He chuckled a little bit.

Reign gawked at him for some time, failing to contain her smile, "Yes. I guess we can give this thing a shot. Please just promise me your situation won't affect our relationship?" She continued to stare intently at him. In response, Antonio pulled his pinky finger up to lock with hers. "It won't be easy, but I promise to do my best." He concluded.

Feeling like she had to clear the air, Reign decided to speak up about her discovery. "Speaking of Justine being the prime suspect according to the cops, I saw her the other day," she pulled the picture she'd taken. "It looked like she was exchanging something with the guys. You said two illegal firearms were found in your store, and you conveniently got arrested right?" Reign sparked a new suspicion, which was leaning more to the truth than a thumb-sucked accusation.

"Thanks for the heads up, this might get her and Morris to speak. Let me ask you a question though..." he trailed off as he pulled her hand into his. Reign lifted her head from his shoulder to look up, followed by a quick nod. "Would you let me know if this becomes too much for you?"

"Of course." Reign replied simply.

"I'm serious Reign. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you because of my situation. I've been into you from the moment I saw you jogging that day in your little two piece," he paused, making her scoff lightly. Her mannerisms were always so dainty and feminine; naturally. "I really want this relationship to work for us."

She placed her hand on his face in comfort, "Everything will work out for us. I'm going to finish dental school, you're well on your way to being the world's biggest artist, regardless of what happens, I'm always going to support and root for you. We don't have to worry about how we're going to get there right now, let's just take baby steps." She assured him. He nodded in agreement before initiating a subtle kiss.


Not knowing what would come crashing down before her eyes, Justine had her own objective to soften Antonio up in the best way she knew how once he appeared on her doorstep. Almost a week had gone by since he and Reign had rampaged the store books to track the fraud that had been taking place so effortlessly.

"Trouble in paradise?" She slyly asked. It was only when she opened the front door fully that Antonio caught a glimpse of the clothes she barely had on. He rolled his eyes in agitation. "This is low, even for you, J." He spoke before flying some papers across her face. "Forging signatures and creating fake paper trail? Do you understand how huge of an impact this will have on the business?"

"You've always been the smarter one so enlighten me..." she shrugged as she walked off. "Are you coming in? My grandma's out for her checkups." She remarked, making him clench his jaw. Not getting into it with Justine was always proof of his cool, calm collectedness, but there was a fine line between collectedness and patience... and his was surely wearing thin.

"You seem really tense, Ant..." her hands trailed across his chest once she made her way way to him. Standing on her toes, she went for his neck with her lips, making him budge immediately. "Makes me sad to see that your track star isn't treating you well..." she spoke softly.

He shoved her hands off and pulled his phone out, showing her the picture. "Is that enough enlightenment for you?" He asked firmly, making her flinch. Tears ponded up in her eyes but she refused to let them fall, even though she wouldn't be able to seduce him out of this one. Her eyes remained glued to his screen as she looked at herself exchange bags with one of Morris' guys. Her face was visible so denying it wasn't even an option.

"I can explain..." Justine's words came out just above a whisper, quickly catching the tear that had fallen with her fingers.

"If you tell me the truth, I can figure something out. The police will stay out of it." Antonio proposed. According to his knowledge, Justine worked at the store to provide for her family, but with Morris making more money and laundering it through the store, there was a larger operation at stake.

"There you go trying to be the superhero of the story, you can't fix shit!"

"Don't even make this about me. I decide to be the bigger person and come to you so we can talk things out and you're trying to make it about me?! Justine what are you doing with illegal guns? You know what, actually, it is about me!" Antonio's voice got loud. "I got arrested over some illegal shit that you are up to. Are you and Morris working together?"

She stayed silent as she avoided his glares. "You know what, fine. Maybe I'll make this a little easier for twelve because you clearly don't care about my store being blacklisted or closing down for fraud!" He yelled in her face before heading out, only to be stopped by a firm grip on his bicep.

"You are not going anywhere near the cops." She responded with hot attitude. "You know why? Because your father is making me sell his illegal and unregistered weapons for him and using your stupid store to clean the money!" She confessed.

Even though she didn't consider herself a snitch, she felt like she needed to speak to save herself and her income. Nothing could get between her and her money; not even Antonio. Completely unsurprised, Antonio stayed silent at Justine's whole confession. It all made sense how he always got away with everything, how no one could ever stand up to him, he had power.

"So what, you telling me all this is supposed to make you innocent?"

"Get your head out the clouds, Antonio! You are going to keep quiet and help me with cleaning your father's money! If he knows that you know, there's no telling what will happen to the both of us." Justine warned, sensing that her blackmail was working. The quieter he got, the more she talked.

"You know better than to snitch, confront Morris or go to the police. There are plenty of people who'll get hurt. You expose me, you best believe I'll pin everything on you." She responded with a smirky look, feeling like she'd cornered him like she'd planned to.


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