1.1.4 The end of the beginning.

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As all the Hargreeves siblings spread off to do their usual activities or even stay at the mansion, one in particular is having a rather interesting conversation.

"Mx. [Name] is everything alright? You don't usually call for me this late."

"Yeah, didn't wanna bother you but I didn't think I could wait till morning. Um... I'm worried about the uh.. 'custody' situation. Like y'know the court case already deemed I wasn't an adult when all of us turned 18 but I was still 9 so like- what happens to me?" You scratch the back of your neck nervously.

"Oh, well I would figure me and Grace would take over the usual duties until you are of age. Or perhaps one of your siblings would-"

"Pogo. I love you, and mom but I don't think I can be here anymore. I mean like I need friends and a life outside of this place. I mean my only social life is with my boss, Agnes and while she's great I'm not just going to work at a doughnut place forever. I uhm... I was wondering if- and this is just a thought- y'know if- and totally I could be mistaken but- if I could meet my birth family?"

"Oh.. Well.." He nervously tuggs at his neckline. "Of course Mx. [Name] but remember, this will always be your home. Always."

Your nervous look goes away and a small smile makes it's way into your face. "Well yeah duh Pogo. But thanks, that makes me feel better."

He nods and exits your room.

The rest of the Hargreeves do many many other things. Luther tends to his wound while grace looks at the gorgeous paintings on the wall. Of course sitting down so the plug can recharge her right.

Meanwhile five takes a car to a doughnut place to get coffee, specifically Griddy's Doughnuts.

Five walks into the restaurant and sits at the front. He rings the bell rather quickly. Soon after he rings the bell an older man walks into the shop and takes a seat next to him.

A moment later a older women in a pink uniform with the name tag, Agnes, walks in. "Sorry sink was clogged and my only employee was here." She takes out her pen and notepad. "So, what'll it be?" She faces the older man.

"Uh, give me a chocolate éclair." He gives his order.

"Mm-hmm. Sure. Can I get the kid a glass of milk or something?" She gestures to five.

Five scoffs. "The kid wants coffee. Black."

Agnes looks over to the man and awkwardly laughs, "cute kid."

The man looks confused and five gives an impatient smile. Eventually she nods and goes into the back to get the orders.

Five sighs and decides to make some small talk. "Don't remember this place being such a shit hole. I used to come here as a kid. Used to sneak out with my siblings and eat doughnuts till we puked. Simpler times, huh?"

"Eh. I suppose." He smiles.

Agnes brings over the éclair and coffee and the man pulls out his wallet. "I got his."

"Thanks." He reads his jacket. "You must know your way around the city."

"I hope so. I've been driving it for 20 years."

"Good. I need an address."

After the man leaves five wraps up the napkin with the address on it. A radar is seen outside the restaurant. Tracking. Tracking something.

Eventually a bunch of big armed men come in. Aiming guns at five.

"Hm. That was fast. Thought I had more time before they found me."

"Okay. So let's all be professional about this, yeah? On your feet and come with us. They want to talk."

"I've got nothing to say."

"It doesn't have to go this way. You think I want to shoot a kid? Go home with that on my conscience?"

"Well I wouldn't worry about that. You won't be going home." Five picks up a knife.

(Not writing the whole scene but you know how it goes!!)

Several men were dead on the floor as five picked up a radar and a knife. He cut open his arm and pulled out a small blinking device. Which happened to be a tracker.

He walked out and dropped it next to a sewer grate. Officially leaving behind the bloody mess for Agnes to find. Which she did. And oh boy did it terrify her.

While that was happening Diego had parked his car at a lake of some sorta and held out the object in his hand. A monocle. Klaus say in the car behind him.

The voice of Luther rang through Diego's head. "Do you ever remember a single time that dad wasn't wearing his monocle?"

Klaus peaked out the car towards Diego, "yoo-hoo! Diego! I hate to rush you through any kind of brooding moment you might be having, but c'mon man we're starving!" He slams the door shut as he sits back in the car.

A silent hooded figure is next to him. Klaus mutters,"I'm craving... Eggs. Tsk no. Wait, it's too late for eggs. Waffles, huh?" He turns to the hooded figure. "You like waffles right?" It nods. "Ah, of course you do. Everyone likes waffles."

Diego drops the monocle and then his radio spouts out the usual. "Gunshots reported on the 400 block of Milton avenue, Griddy's Doughnuts." He grabs his radio and enters the car.

"Diego. Thank you for joining us, we have decided on, drum roll, waffles."

"I'm gonna drop you off at the bus stop. I gotta get back to work."

"What, breaking bones and cracking skulls?"

"Saving lives, baby."

"Well I guess it's frozen waffles again.." Klaus leans over to look at the hooded figure, Ben, or number 6. "Yeah I could do egg and bacon, but I'm trying to cut down on my pig products."

Diego drives away.

Vanya enters her apartment. It's late and she is tired. For a fair reason. Yet when she unlocks the door and steps in, five turns on the lights. Scaring her.


"You should have locks on your windows."

"I live on the second floor."

"Rapists can climb."

"You are so weird." She shuts her door and sits on the couch. "Is that blood?"

"It's nothing."

"Why are you here?"

"I've decided you're the only one I can trust."

"Why me?"

"Because you're ordinary." She freezes and five restates, "because you'll listen." She nods and gets some equipment to clean his wound. She comes back and starts cleaning it. "When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future, do you know what I found?"


"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." Memories of the burning mansion flood into his mind. "As far as I could tell I was the last person left alive. I never figured out what killed the human race, but... I did find something else."

Past five opens the mailbox to find the last newspaper made. "The date it happens." Back to the present. "The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it."

Vanya freezes. "I'll put on a pot of coffee."

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