1.3.4 Aftermath and some kidnapping, what a great combo

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Luther rises from the broken chandelier. His clothes rip and tear, revealing his really hairy, muscular upper chest. The one of an ape.

His siblings gape in horror and surprise. "Holy shit..." Diego mumbles.

Luther realizes his siblings can see him and runs off embarrassed. Up the stairs.

Allison walks over to vanya who ask, "did you know?"

Allison shakes her head, "no."

Diego listens to the humming of grace, "shit mom." He runs upstairs.

"Mom? You okay?" Diego puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Of course I am." She smiles.

"You didn't hear the noises?" Diego asks in disbelief. "The guys in the masks that just shot up the house?"

She chuckles, "what are you talking about, silly?"

Diego sits next to her and watches as she sews through her skin. Still humming a tune.

Diego crouches infront of her and his breathing turns shaky as he touches her arm. The stitches to her wiring being very evident.

"Diego? What are you doing?" She asks, calmly.

He opens up her arms and begins cutting something. Tears well up in his eyes. "It's gonna be- o-"

"Remember what we worked on. Just picture the word in your mind." She comforts.

"It's gonna be okay- m- m- mom." He finishes the wiring adjustments, her arm goes limp.

Her eyes flutter as she starts to power down. "Di-e-go.. re-mem...-ber..." Her face flushes blue and her head goes limp.

Downstairs Vanya dabs her face with a washcloth. "Who were those people?"

"I don't know, but we are lucky to be alive. You sure your okay?" Allison says.

Vanya nods just before Diego storms in. He paces back and forth, "Diego?" Allison asks.

"What are you still doing here?" Diego snaps.

"I'm just trying to help-"

"No you could've been killed!" Diego yells. "Or gotten any of us killed." He turns to Allison, "she is a liability."

Vanya looks at Allison, "Allison?"

"I think what he's trying to say is that this kind of stuff is dangerous. You're just-"

"Not like you." Allison freezes. She doesn't know what to say. Vanya scoffs and walks off.

"No that's not what i- Vanya wait."

"Let her go." Diego says. "It's for the best."

Meanwhile, Luther goes into his room and sobs. Having a full mental breakdown. He looks at the mirror in disgust.

Vanya exits the cab in the pouring rain. She walks over to a building, a house. One that isn't hers. She knocks on the door and Leonard answers.

"Vanya! Oh, my God. You're bleeding. What happened?" He asks.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to go.."

"It's okay. Come in." He opens the door and shuts it after she enters.

Hazel lays on his motel bed, eating a jelly donut.

"Where the hell were you?" Cha-cha complains, walking into the room.

"When you didn't come out I figured we'd just regroup here." He says, his mouth full.

"And you stopped... To get a jelly donut?" She glares.


"After everything we just went through?"

"Well I needed some comfort food after that disaster."

"Well tonight's a total loss." She slumps onto her bed. Still limping.

"Well I'm not so sure about that.." he leads her out to the car and they put on their masks.

They open the trunk up to see... Klaus.  Tied up with duck tape. Still I'm a towel.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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