1.2.3 How can I live laugh love in these conditions?

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"but I'm leaving for the airport it's no big deal if I miss one session." Allison mutters out to the phone. Her ex husband on the line. "Patrick it was my father's funeral. You know, I'm pretty sure the court recognizes that as extenuating circumstances. Is Claire there? .... Yes, I would like to say hello to my daughter if that's alright with you." She snaps.

Vanya walks down the stairs.

"No- Patrick- don't-" she sighs as the other side hangs up.

"Are you okay?" Vanya asks.


"Well I've never met your ex husband, but.. he sounds like an asshole."

"That's one word for it."

"You know what? You're probably better off here."

"No, I'm probably better off with my daughter." She scoffs.

"Of course- um.. I'm sorry. I didn't uh-"

"You know, if I wanted advice, Vanya, no offense but it wouldn't be from you."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You don't have a child. You've never even been in a relationship. "

"Thats not true."

"So you know what it's like to love someone like this? Like when your apart from them- her, you can't breathe? Like you would- you would die, and i- I mean actually die.. to know that t- she's okay and happy."

"I mean you separate yourself from everyone and everything," she continues. "You always have."

"Because Dad made me."

"Did Dad make you write that book about us, too?" Vanya stays silent. "You're an adult now Vanya. You don't get to blame your problems on anyone but yourself."

She storms off.

"Like I said to your kids earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the clients consent, I simply can't help you." The doctor says.

You are shaking the snow globe, while Klaus sits next to you. Five has gone on the offence.

"Well we can't get consent if you don't give us a name." He stands up, leaning against the desk.

"Well, that's not my problem." The doctor replies. You scoff and continue playing with the snow globe. "Sorry. Now, there's really nothing more I can do, so-"

"Oh what about my consent?" Klaus speaks up.

"Excuse me?" The doctor is confused.

"Who gave you permission..." He changes his voice to be as if he was crying. "To lay your hands... On my son?" He points to five.

"What?" You, the doctor, and five ask in unison.

"You heard me." Klaus defends.

"I didn't touch your son." The doctor says.

"Oh, really? Well, then how did he get that swollen lip, then?" Klaus stands up.

"He doesn't have a swollen-" the doctor starts out but freezes once Klaus hits five in the face. You flinch and put down the snow globe. Suddenly things are more interesting.

"I want it. Name, please. Now." Klaus leans over the desk.

"Your crazy."

"You got no idea." Klaus picks up the snow globe you were just playing with. "Peace on Earth'. That's so sweet." He rams it into his head, causing everyone in the room to flinch. "Eugh- ow- God that hurt!"

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