1.3.2 no I don't care about my robot mom murdering dad I'm busy!

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Vanya walks Infront of a woodwork shop, where she runs into Leonard.

"You're still lookin' for Mr. Puddles." He jokes.

"Well- I- uh- I got out of rehearsals and was in the neighborhood, so I thought..." She stutters.

"Came all the way to brick town?"

She shrugged and nodded.

"Well since you're here, you might as well come in." He smirks and opens the door.

"These are beautiful." She takes in the wonders of the shop.

"Ah, thank you. Restoration antiques. It's my bread and butter. But I do play around with other things."

"Like what?" She perks up.

"Oh. I don't know. It's kinda embarrassing. ... Come on." He leads her to the back where there are wood sculptures.

"You made all these?"

"When I was a kid. My imagination was my escape. And clearly I never grew up." (trauma dumping goofy ahh)

"No it's amazing. Which one is your favorite?"

"Ballerina is kinda my best. Or maybe the duck. Or the other duck, or the other duck. ... But there is one you should see." He pulls out one of her playing the violin.

"Is that..?"

"Okay so I might have.. stayed up last night making this."(totally not creepy..)

"Wow... It's beautiful."(don't lie..)

"Thank you... Take it."

"Oh no i-"

"I insist. Please. I made it for you." She takes it. "You inspired me." He smiles.

The two seemed to really 'hit it off'! And now are joking around as they take a walk. What a couple! Of friends. Friends.

"This is so bizarre... We've known each other for .. two days? I feel like you know me better than most of anyone in my family."

He laughs. "Hey. This might be a little inappropriate seeing as I'm your... 'Impressionable young student', but... Would you want to have dinner with me tonight?" Vanya doesn't respond for a moment,"you don't have to if you don't want to."


"It's fast-" he continues.

"No i-" she tries to talk again.

"I know, but-" he keeps on.

"No I would like that." She smiles.

"Yeah?" He asks.

No more time for them to talk because Allison walks up to them.

"Allison?" Vanya looks confused.

"Hey-" Allison waves with one hand, awkwardly.

Vanya looks around then realizes something, "Leonard, this is my sister, Allison."

He nods the realizes something as well,"wait a second, I know you." He points to Allison,"you were in that movie. You're in the movie, the... Uh... You were the lawyer! The tough one! In the wheelchair, right?"

"Yeah." She laughs awkwardly, "yeah that was me."

"You didn't tell me your sister was a movie star!" Leonard jokes to vanya. "Wow! You were in that umbrella thing, too, weren't you?" Allison freezes up as Leonard looks to Vanya,"but you weren't in that, were you?"

Vanya nods awkwardly,"no uh... I was sort of the fifth Beatles of the family, so..."

"Never really did like the Beatles." Leonard responds. "More of a stones guy, myself." He smiles, as does Vanya.

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