chapter 7: breakfast is served

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Natasha's pov:

Let's see how long it was before I was disturbed..

I sprint up the hill. I was already planning on avoiding Xander for the next 24 hours or hopefully the week. I can hold a grudge, like no one else. I could hold it for days, weeks, years and probably decades. I am not one to forgive easily. Forgiveness is earned back. Once I reach the top, I take out my AirPods from my pocket and plug them into my ears.

I play Bad Habit by Steve Lacy on Spotify.

I sigh and begin my first lap. I enjoyed jogging. I was able to increase my physical and mental health. I could work out while thinking at the same time. #Multi-tasker. I loved jogging more than anything. It helped me to relax my tense muscles. I didn't have to work out all hard core to gain some strength. For me personally, it always felt better to jog outside in the wild rather than on a treadmill. I could also acknowledge the nature here in Brazil.

It was gorgeous.

The nearby plants were full of different colours. There were many types of plants such as cactuses, leaves, trees, bushes and vines. As much as I hated the people in Brazil, I adored the country. The fading moonlight glistened on the plants. It was gorgeous. If I was being honest, I truly did prefer the night compared to daytime. It was much cooler, the air was crisper and the vibes were always preset.

Whereas the daylight was so draining.

For me, the daylight meant work, school, socialising blah, blah BLAH. Not to mention it was so boring. The night life is way better than my day life. I partially did enjoy clubbing, late night walks and long drives. These activities made me smile like I had never smiled before. I knew people who also made me smile too. Part of me wished that I had my best friends with me.

I desperately needed them to be by my side.

I reminded myself that Flynn would be joining me later today and I was excited to finally see a familiar person. I really wanted to be embraced by his presence. He was my true brother. A brother that meant the whole world to me. I would take a million bullets to save him. I'm sure he would do the same for me. We loved each other to infinity and beyond. He was my Woody and I was his Buzz.

It was us two against the world.

And it still will be.

He was coming all the way here, for me. That is single handedly the nicest thing someone has ever done for me. He is changing his whole life, for me. He is moving half-way across the globe, to be with me. He was changing his whole social life, just for me. He was the nicest man known to earth. He was a sweetheart.

My sweetheart.

I also wanted to tell him how unsafe I felt here. The name calling, I didn't really care for. Words don't hurt, actions do. When I woke up and found Vincent with my phone it triggered something in me. Why was he, a complete stranger, giving me back my phone? Let alone touching it? Who did the people in this house think they were?

Oh and don't think I won't leave out that cunt, Xander.

Why the actual fuck did he think that touching me was the right thing to do? Let alone hitting me? He was meant to be my big brother. He was meant to nourish me with love and support. He was meant to be there for me in my hardest times. He was meant to be there.

But he wasn't.

He was never there to nourish me with live and affection. He was never there during my hardest times. They all weren't there during my childhood. They left and never looked back. They left me and mother with nothing, they made sure of that. Now this jackass thinks he could make an attempt to try strangle me? This boy was going to get it.

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