chapter 12: waterfalls and waterworks

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Flynn's pov:

Tash knew deep down that I didn't give two shits about the people at this table apart from her. She also knew that I wasn't afraid of them. I was in for a treat..

"I am Vincent Morales, the eldest brother, and Natasha's legal guardian. To my left is Adrien, he is the second eldest and shall take over Natasha's guardianship if anything were to happen to me." Vincent explains.

I take a moment to digest the new inform that Vincent had just given me and nod back to show my understanding of the situation. I figured out that all I had to do was kill them both and I could probably withhold custody of my princess.

"You know.. I don't like it when people don't use their words." Adrien mentioned while directly looking into my eyes.

"My bad.." I respond dryly.

I didn't really care who they were, I just wanted Tash to be safe.

"Enough of this." Tash says quietly, trying to break up the tension within the room.

I could tell she didn't want us bickering back and forth and I shall respect her wishes.

"Of course princess." Vincent and I say at the same time.

Uh oh.

Me and Vincent have a staring competition on now, I even had my poker face on. Only her real family get to call her that, not her biological one. They had no right to call her that. She wasn't their princess, she was ours. We were her prince's and she was our princess. One time when we were 13, she even made us dress up like those for Halloween.

It was one of the best nights of my life if I'm being honest.

"Let's go Flynn." Tash mumbles, which knocks me out of my memories. She signals for me to get up.

Vincent quickly hears this and orders "You will not be going anywhere with this boy young lady!"

He raised his voice. I knew that Tash hated when people did that. It reminded her of her mother. If Vincent turns out to be like her mother, he would be the one that was five feet under. I could tell that Tash was already getting emotional inside but she put on her infamous cold face. I knew that this was the part when she would make an undeniable offer. She does this often when interrogating suspects. She was SO good at it, even I was beyond jealous. She was so admirable.

Tash then speaks with the most unreadable expression I had ever seen "Listen here Vincent, you have two choices. One, you let Flynn stay the night, or two, I'll leave with Flynn and return in the morning. If I were you, I would choose wisely."

Vincent looked up at Tash with shock written all over his face. I doubt that he was expecting her to demand such an offer like that. If I were him, I wouldn't have expected it too. He looks around the table and receives a collection of nods and head shakes before directing his stare back towards Tash.

"He can stay on one condition.. THE DOOR STAYS OPEN AT ALL TIMES!" Vincent shouts the last part louder than the rest.

"Whatever, cmon Flynn." Tash murmurs quietly, but loud enough for me to hear.

She gets up and drags my arm along with her. I also say a quiet "Thank you." before I exit the room. I hated her biological brothers so much but I couldn't forget my manners. That would be quiet rude of me, especially since I am technically in their house.

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