chapter 16: long week

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Natasha's pov:

Uh oh. OH SHIT. I completely forgot that I mentioned my business to him. I had to find a cover up now, quick and fast. He couldn't possibly know about it, I would be done for..

"I must've forgotten to mention it earlier, I owned a small business back in London and we are currently in the process of moving it here." I lie to Xavier and Xander. I knew that it was bad to lie to my biological brothers but they COULDN'T know the truth.

"That's really cool, what type of business is it?" Xavier asks back to me.

"It's an uh- bakery." I lie yet again to them.

"You have to let us try some pastries in the future. The croissant is my favourite." Xavier suggests.

"Uh yea, will do." I reply back to him.

I figured that I would actually build a bakery business as a cover up for here in Brazil. Back in London, we used a fast-food joint as our cover up but I guess a bakery could work too. It was called Binley's Mega Chippy.

I set myself a mental reminder to let Seb and Flynn know about the building preparations that are to be held for the new up and coming bakery. Maybe I could actually picture myself living here in Brazil for good.

Just maybe..

I wanted to direct all the attention away from me, and onto them so I ask the twins suddenly "Do you guys have a business too?"

They pause and look at each other for a moment, they make weird eye signals before Xander speaks up and says "Yea we do, it's family owned and Vincent is the CEO of it."

Damn, no wonder they were so rich.

"What's his business about anyways?" I ask back since they haven't specified the business to me yet and I was quite curious to say the least.

The twins share yet another look at each other before directing their attention back to me. What's with all the twin telepathy? This time Xavier says "He specifies in the real estate realm for as far as we know."

Ew real estate, lame as shit. I nod to show my understanding politely and question them again "Will you guys help the business in the future?"

"Possibly, it's usually up to Vincent to decide that for us." Xander replies back nonchalantly.

"Oh alright." I reply back dryly. I didn't know what else to say to be honest. Although, I did find it weird how the twins's futures were decided by Vincent and not themselves.

It was a bit old fashioned if you ask me.

All of a sudden, Xavier changes the subject. "On the topic of school, and I want you to listen very carefully to this, don't and I repeat don't make contact with Nico and his friends. They are nothing but bad for you and I would advise you to stay out of trouble with them." Xavier reminds me.

"What's so bad about them anyways?" I ask back after analysing the new information that I had just received.

"Just trust me when I say this, they aren't good boys. They will influence you to do bad things, especially Nico. Just take my word on this when I say that he is one heck of a trouble maker. He is associated with inappropriate things and I personally suggest that you stay as far away as you can from him, is that clear?"

"I second this." Xander buts in angrily after Xavier's long ass speech.

"Uh yeah, sure I guess." I reply back weirded out by their recent behaviour. Was this Nico really this bad? I was already intrigued by the man I had never met before. Why did my biological brothers hate him so much?

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