chapter 27: the new girl

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Natasha's pov:

"I don't want to be apart of your so-called family anyways!" I shout as retaliation. In the back of my ear I hear Xavier yelling at Xander to stop but I phase him out. I slam the door and watch his truck drive away into the horizon. Xander is going to be the death of me one of these days. I take out my phone from my blazer pocket and google map search for my school.

Just great. A twenty minute walk.

I was bound to be late for my first class now, and it wasn't even my fault this time.

I check the clock on my watch which read 08:20am. I better get a move on if I don't want to miss first class. I pop in my airpod and play 'Heavenly by Cigarettes after Sex' . With a determined mindset, I walked the 15 minutes in no time and BlueCrest High comes into view. It's a beautiful modern school and as I walk up I spot Xander's G-Wagon.

I could slash his tires, but I won't.

I remember that I have to collect my school books and computer from the office. I try my best to navigate the school compounds and I find myself standing in front of the office. I knock three times before the receptionist buzzes me inside. I push open the heavy door to find a lady with ginger hair giving me a warm smile.

"You must be the other new student right?" She asks.

"Uh yea, Natasha Clark." I introduce myself and stick out my hand for her to shake. "Is there another new student arriving here too?" I ask curiously. "You just missed him, but it appears that you share first period together so maybe you'll run into eachother." She mentions with a cheery tone in her voice.

"His name is Flynn Olsen." She adds with a warm smile.

Ohhh, I remember now. Flynn is the other new student. That's good, I can hopefully apologise to him today. I cant wait anymore. I need my bestfriend back. "Here take these." The receptionist hands me a but-ton of books, my school computer and hardbacks for me to chuck into my bag. She also hands me a locker number and mentions that my first class is math along with my schedule.

Thank the lord, a class that I actually enjoy.

The receptionist starts again "BlueCrest High has taken a look at your academic experience from London and you have exceeded the Brazilian standard for education in your age. You have been promoted to the Juniors within BlueCrest. Although they are a year older, your brains should be able to fit right in."

Holy shit, I'll be in the same year as the twins, with Xander.

I begin "Thank you..?" "Sandra." She answers. "Thank you Sandra." I finalise. "Enjoy your day Ms.Clark!" She calls out before I leave the room. I check the time on my phone which read 08:50. Darn it. Class already started. I make my way through the empty hallways until I face my new blue locker.

It read locker: 841

I open it with one shove. I spill out the contents from my bag and only keep the books I need for the next few lessons and my computer. I push my locker to a close and take a quick look at my schedule, which at the back told me about which class it was in and which teacher it was with. Which read:

 Which read:

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