Chapter 2

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Food is my number one priority right now, and nothing, I mean nothing will stop me, in this unknown place where I've been brought? Kidnapped? nah impossible, I would have known if I was. Maybe, all that studying made my senses dulled, and I was really no no, I need to stop this negative thoughts and focus on getting food or, I won't think about anything else but going home, and how hopeless I really feel right now.

I slapped myself, hard, and hear it echoing throughout the woods, the small animals got startled and run away from my position. I did this to wake myself, and make sure this is not a dream, but the growling of my stomach says otherwise. This is too real and vivid to be a dream, if it was, I would have a plate full of food right now.

"Yaesoon! Listen kid, we maybe stronger than most people in the world, but food is still one of the weakness we have, just like a normal person. So don't stop yourself and eat to your heart's desire"

Oh Grandmother, how I miss your fried noodles, with so many fillings and tender meat to eat, that was one of my favorite food in the whole world.

Sigh, I really miss my family.

No! I can't let myself think like that, now that I'm seeing my surroundings properly, I noticed that the trees here have thick and sturdy branches, it looks like the place where I'm at is a dense forest. Great, this can be used as my place to sleep later, first I need to gather dry leaves and stick, then I'll hunt a deer or boar, but the problem is, I don't have a sharp object with me, to skin the animal. I don't want to use my bare hands to crush their body, that will be gruesome to do, besides I don't see or hear any river or running water here, that's one of my first priority right now.

I slightly crouched down in front of the big tree and bend my knees to prepare to do a big jump in one of the branches. I just hope I won't embarrassed myself, if someone is watching what I'm about to do and failed miserably. Oh well, survival first before worrying to anything about my self esteem.

Then I jumped up and catch the nearest branch, before I let myself be pulled down by gravity. Thankfully, my grip strength is good, but when I hear the branch I'm hanging on creaking from my grip, and about to snap, I quickly pulled my body up, and cling to the body of tree, like a monkey. Sheesh, talk about scary experience.

After that predicament I put myself into, I finally collected a decent amount of branches. I didn't let the tree go bald of course, because nature may be free, but it's unforgiving when nature ran course. As I continue with my tasks quietly, my mind goes to home, where I wonder if my family notice my absence, and if they are looking for me just like I'm looking for them, what I would do, anything to go back and survive this. We are strong, very strong, but emotionally I know, I'm the weakest in the family. The situation I'm in is making my emotional and mental state go haywire, that I didn't notice the wood I'm gripping is now into pieces, so I let that go and dust my hand.

The sun is still high in the sky, so I must figure out what to do with my food situation, before it goes dark, I don't know if there are dangerous creatures out there, lurking in the dark, I can't take any chances. The fruits here are unknown to me, and I could get sick, I don't know if it will poisoned me or something, so the safest option is to hunt for food. For now, my only weapon here is a thick branch I split in half with a sharpened rock connected to it. By the way, sharpening rock is fun it's like I'm playing clay dough, in reality I just crushed the rock together and got the sharpened edge, uses it to create another one until I formed my ultimate spear, which look horrible by the way still, it looks sturdy enough to hold, and stab something, since I hammered it with my fist until it was formed.

Primitive camping, is what I'm thinking the situation I'm in right now, so that I won't think of anything else plus, it's a life experience for me, learning to do it by myself and being independent. Yes, be positive and you can go through this and tomorrow you are going to go home with your family and give them a tight hug not father though, he'll break his back, even your annoying sister will get one.

If I don't get my food I'll go crazy, and continue this talk to myself, in the middle of this goddamn forest. I decided to walk, since running will just drain me further, and will made me think of food.

Sharpening my senses, requires concentration, so I first inhaled and exhaled deeply and closed my eyes to feel my surroundings better. Mother said, that seeing with just your five senses will get you killed, so if you want to survive, you have to open your sixth sense where instinct is use.

In the north I sense movements, so I opened my eyes and walk there slowly, being barefooted helps a lot, since I don't make so much noice whenever I step, the grass beneath my feet muffled the sounds of my steps.
Finally, I got to the location and sees a lone deer eating grass and turned sideways from me. It doesn't seem to notice my presence, and that I'm thankful for since this is technically my first animal kill, not that I killed anything before, maybe except a cockroach ugh.

I gripped my trusty weapon and handmade spear and focus on the head of the deer and I made the kill.

The sound of the spear piercing through the flesh of the head of the poor deer made me realize, that here in this new place, my strength is the only one I can rely on. And that this gift is my reminder that the family I left, wherever they are, is here within me.

As I made my way through the grass, and approached the now dead body of the deer with its head stuck to the ground by the bloodied spear, its empty eyes sees through me, and I shivered. But I clenched my fist and collected it from the ground and heave it up to my shoulders. The weight of the deer and the weight of my guilt pooled to my stomach, but I continue to held it tightly, and decided not to think about it anymore. What done is done I just have to make sure the deer won't go to waste.

After eating, I lighted another fire, so that it will burn until dark, and sit in the bark of the tree that I snapped, as I gazed to the fire, and the now forest slowly getting dark, I felt cold and lonely. But I know, that if I continue to held myself together, I will go through this, and be with my loved ones.

I just have to survive.

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