Chapter 16

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I'm so happy with our big haul that I could dance and sing in front of Curtis. But I won't seriously do that, I'll just do it in my head.

Curtis tried to take the rice away from me but I ran away before he can get it from me. It's not like I can't carry something as light as these. He finally gave up on taking it and just quietly followed after me.

Pfft! His dejected face is quite adorable to witness. Although, I noticed that 'adorable' is the word I constantly described him as, everytime he does something different from his aloofness. He would definitely disagree with my statement.

Now that I acquired these materials, it's time to summon my creativity to build things that will help us. It's  practically a non-existent skill to me back on Earth, because I have never built something amazing, just projects for school like, recycled pillow, weaving basket, and yeah that's it. Both of that project nearly made me fail the subject.

With the salt not enough to use I have to make sure I don't carelessly use and waste it. Thinking for alternatives for salt, I can think of smoking the meats we hunt for preservation.

Finally my nervous cells are working.

And speaking of smoking, I don't know how to extract sugar or produce it, so I'll just obtain honey. I'm gonna smoke the bees before taking their honeycomb.

Wow! this is amazing, I'm finally using my brain for something. This is thanks to the random videos I clicked whenever I'm bored.

If I'm cooking stew or fried foods I can't use my wooden bowls to cook, they'll be burned before the food is cooked. I have to make something more formidable like a stone slab maybe? I'll keep that idea in mind. And the one that my ancestors created using mud, ah! the clay pot for boiling, baking, and roasting food, made from a mixture of clay and crushed shells or sand. I think we can find it in the river, near our den where we take water from. This is also my opportunity to bathe properly in the river. I didn't learn how to swim though, so I'll ask C to teach me, it will be like a date. A proper one.

And my upcoming period, thank God I'm a regular so I know when it will come. My period last for a total of five days, the first two days contains heavy flow so I have to ask Curtis again in helping me make a makeshift pad using the cottons we bought. I'm lucky he's with me to help me in everything, I can't even sew simple ripped parts in my clothes. Thankfully he knows how to sew furs using fish bone and his hair.

I asked him why he uses his hair to make furs and he replied my hair are formidable to use, they can hold the furs firmly. At first, I was worried he'll be bald by the time comes, but later I learned to accept it by testing the durability of his hair. I did not pull his hair out of his scalp, that would be cruel. I tested it by trying to snap a strand of his hair in half and it didn't broke instantly. My hair could never.

I was broken out of my thoughts when Curtis stopped in front of me. He turns to me and takes the bags away from my hands. Glancing around, I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't notice that we are back in the den.

"Is something bothering you? You are so deep in thought,you didn't even hear I was calling your name."

Now I feel bad, my absent-mindedness is a real pain in the ass even in here.

"I'm sorry C, I was just thinking about our next move that's why I didn't hear you calling me. Don't worry I'll tell you about it later. For now let's go back to the cave."

He stares at me for a moment like he's making sure if I was really okay then he nodded.

After kindling the fire, I started preparing for our dinner. Back in Earth, I know how to cook basic foods like fried foods, but I'm not really like a good cook unlike my sister. But I'm expert in cooking rice.

And now that I have my beloved rice I can't help but grin widely. I wiped the grin from my face when Curtis look at me. I don't want to be seen as weird by my future husband. Since it's just the two of us I didn't cook so much rice. Controlling the fire is hard when I'm unfamiliar in cooking directly with fire, because I'm so used to cooking in stove.

I cooked the rice with the thickest pot I created and sighed in relief when it just received severe burns from it's bottom, and not reduced to ashes along with my rice. Luck is still with me.

Important thing to know, the rice survived! it was a little undercooked but whatever, it's fine with me right now. I also prepared the boar meat Curtis hunted. He already cleaned the meat in the river so I just patted it with light salt after. I will marinate this with my limited seasonings, before frying it with oil. There's no flour needed, I made sure Curtis share is without pepper because of his sensitivity with spice.

For the first time since I came here, I will finally have a proper meal. While savoring every bite of the meal like it's my last food. I was seated next to him while eating quietly. Moments like this, eating with your lover, I thought I would never experience but look at me now, I have an amazing mate with me and delicious food to eat, I'm satisfied with our life here in the Beast world.

After eating my dinner, I consumed the leftovers and was ashamed when C also offered me his share. I'm becoming greedy, I can't blame myself though because I really love eating.

"Yaesoon my mate, what is it you wanted to tell me earlier? Our next move."

I returned my attention to Curtis and focused on the things we have to do. I feel bad that the burden is shared between the two of us. It will be tiring for him to hunt and build at the same time. So I insisted that I will help him in hunting too, I reminded him that we never do things alone. He gave up in convincing me after that.

The issue with the salt trade is the next in our topic. We discussed what we are planning to do in finding the group of Beastmen. It will not be an easy journey but the gain will be worth it. Along our discussion, I also reminded him that we can hunt for crystals, especially emeralds to take. I bought almost all the crystals he save, I can't just let him do all the work.

We have to face the cold season or winter in the next few months. Preparation will be our priority.

The mating...I wanted to discuss it but I'm nervous and scared in doing 'it'. I never even done that in my life, I'll mess things up.

He seems to sense my worries as he glanced at me with concern in his face.

"What is it my mate? What bothers you to make that face."

He caress my cheek softly, with his tone gentle as he spoke his concern.

" know the matin- mate- sigh. The thing mates do to confirm they mated with each other...yeah that thing. Fuck! Why is this so hard to say."

Adult and still stutters like a teenager when it comes to sex. I want to kill myself.

I saw countless of smut already, in text form, art form even watched it in an illegal websites.

He made me look at him as I was avoiding his gaze.

"My mate, you don't have to force yourself to consummate with me. I will patiently wait until you are ready to give yourself to me."

That kinda rhymes. No! Take these situation seriously dude.

I nearly teared up if not for my damn mind.

"I really like you Curtis. Thank you so much for being patient with me. I appreciate you."

I really mean these words and I can only show my appreciation better through actions.

Tiptoeing carefully, I wrapped my arms around him and kiss his soft lips with mine. He responded with deepening our kiss like he's starving and ready to consume me like I'm his prey. My knees almost gave up with how intense the kiss was, if not for his hold in my waist.

I'll definitely lose my v-card if he keeps up with this.

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