Chapter 19

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We left our home before the sun even rises in the sky. I was padded with furs, courtesy of Curtis insisting that it will protect me from the cold. I didn't argue with him and just grumbled quietly about the furs restricting my movement. He heard what I said and he told me that I'll ride his beast form so I won't have to move. Though I'm pleased with his actions I didn't let it show and acted like I'm still pouting about my outfit. He made me like this, a spoiled brat. If my family saw me right now, they will gagged with my behavior, especially my older sister.

Anyways we slightly packed many of our things so I insisted that I will carry half of the things. He can't even argue with me when he saw my pleading expression. Pfft! He can't resist my adorable self gag, however I appeased him with words of worries and my favorite reminder to him, that we shouldn't do things alone.

We took a break here and there, though C wants the breaks to be longer so I can rest. I stopped him and assured him I can handle myself. I can eat our packed foods even if he's moving quickly. I'm the one who is more worried for his condition since he's the one moving. From time to time I asked if he's alright, he replied by turning his large snake head to look at me and flicks his tongue. This is kind of adorable to look at, I'm not even a snake person. I am more of a cat person, I wonder if there are cat Beastmen here? If they have I wanted to meet one, to scratch their chins and side of the ears, then see if they will purr. That would be cute to watch.

Curtis might get jealous though.

We reach a waterfall where I take the chance to refresh myself when I slipped and fell into the water. Embarrasing. Thankfully, Curtis taught me the basics so I emerged in the surface right away. My snake already in the water, holding my shivering body close to his. I burst out of laughter because of my stupidity. He joined me in my laughter, his laugh sounded weaker than mine. I'm proud to say that his frigid and aloof expression melts when I'm with him. Not always obviously and I respect that, it's not my intention to change him. I just like the way he is.

After that debacle we decided to stay the night near the water. I changed my clothing and let my previous outfit dry near the fire. We replenish our water stock not before boiling it. He also caught fishes and cleaned it, then  I fried them with salt and cook rice. While we are eating our dinner, I was sharing my life back in Earth before I was brought here. Strangely, he still didn't ask where my powers came from. I wanted to ask him why but until he isn't looking for answers, I won't brought it up. I also wanted us to officially mate first.

"You know when I was a kid I always ask my father why we are different from the other family. He said that all families are unique, is just that our family is even more, because of our gift. I didn't understand it at that time, but as I grow up I begin to realize what my father means."

"Your father sounds like a good male. I must thank him for giving birth to a wonderful female like you, Yaesoon."

Blushing at his words, I cleared my throat and finish my dinner quickly. I almost choke but Curtis hurriedly gave me the water. I saw him smirking slightly while looking at my flustered face so I glared at him. Not affected in the least he ignored my glare and began tidying our things. This sly snake.

Now that we finish preparing ourselves to sleep, I can't help but glanced at the man lying beside me. He didn't transform into his beast form tonight like he usually did. This journey must've tired him more than I thought. He's really beautiful to look at. He seems to notice my stare as he opened his eyes and caught me looking, more like gawking at him. That was embarrasing.

"My mate, do you have something to tell me? I noticed you eyeing me since earlier."

I was appreciating your beauty actually.

Obviously I will not admit that to his face, that's cringe. Instead, I hugged his side and buried my face in his chest. Avoiding his questioning look, it didn't work though because he made me look at his face.

"I will borrow your words. You are very adorable right now, my mate. If you keep staring at me like that I'll have no choice but to gobble you up."

I visibly shuddered at his words. Glancing at his lustrous lips, I gulped feeling my throat dry. He took that as an invitation to lean close to me, and bite my bottom lip, kissing me passionately, I felt dizzy. I closed my eyes tightly, hands shaking as I wrapped my arms around him. He placed me on top of his body while kissing my lips like he can't get enough of it, almost bruising it but he soothes the sting with his tongue brushing against my lips. I opened my mouth slightly feeling his long forked tongue entering and swirling with mine.

He broke the tantalizing kiss. Our saliva forming a strand connecting with each other, as we leaned away from our kiss. Breaths laboured. I was panting like I ran a long marathon, that's how intense the kiss was. I almost forgot how to breathe because of him.

Wanting more of his delicious lips, I want to taste him again and again. He stopped me, hands shaking with his breathing heavy as mine.

"Are you sure? I won't stop myself is you're ready my mate. But if you are not, don't worry I will stop."

"I want to do don't stop and just kiss me."


Rationality forgotten, I answered his passion with my body. At the moment, the last thing on my mind are the consequences of our actions. I just want to be with him so badly, that my body hurts with desire to take him completely. To be overcome by the feeling of the intense pleasure against my body. I was almost unconscious when he stopped moving.

Waking up, I was shivering from the cold like I wasn't wearing anything in my body, only the fur I used as a blanket covers my bare form. I was sore between my legs. Glancing down, I saw a tattoo of a red snake placed at the center of my chest. Staring at it for a long time, eyes blinking drowsily while wondering when did I get a tattoo. My family would kill me.

Sensing the movement of a cold body from my back made me flinched. Then all of a sudden memories flooded in, of what transpired the night before. His pleasured face, piercing gaze, glistening pale skin sheen with sweat as he moves on top of me. Moaning with his usually soft voice into a rough almost animalistic groan. Mouth opening, showing his sharp fangs filled with venom as he uses it to nibble my skin, stinging it red with bruises.

I quickly smother my reddening face with my hands as I scream without sound from my recollection. How many times did we do it?! And was that me begging him to continue?! Fuck! Shit! Yaesoon you bitch in heat! I just had sex!

After I calmed myself from the mind-blowing, humiliating, reminiscing. I smiled, almost giggled if not for the sleeping Adonis behind me.

Haesoon you bitch, I'm not considered a prude anymore. Take that!

Jolting from the sudden voice near my ear, I turned around to the most exquisite sight in front of me. Woah! He's so hot. I was surprised when he leaned in to my face, concern etched in his expression. I hope I didn't drool in front of him. My morning breath!

"My mate. Is your body hurting? I remember you bleed in-"

Abruptly slapping my hand to cover his mouth, I get up even if I felt sensitive down there. I can't handle another shame of my bye bye V-CARD night. So I smiled at Curtis and take my hand away from his mouth.

"I'm fine! C, I just wanted to wash up and eat breakfast."

I noticed his attention wasn't turn towards me, but to the mating tattoo I now recognized as his. He seems very amazed while looking at it in great admiration. Reaching out with his fingers, he gently touched the skin between my chest where his mark is nestled. With a shaky voice and tender expression on his face he slowly takes away his fingers from the mark.

"I love you Yaesoon. I really do. Thank you for choosing to be with me, I'll protect you with my life."

"And I love you too Curtis. I wanted to say thank you too, for being my mate. We are going protect each other. Now, let's get up and tidy ourselves we still have an adventure waiting for us."

Smiling softly at me, he nods and carried my body with practice ease.

Herculean Strength (Slow Update)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara