Chapter 5

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The moment my fist connected with a scaly surface of a skin, the first that comes into my mind, is that I punched a fucking enormous reptile, some monster alligator, maybe.

This forest is really fucking up my mind, why the hell can't it just let me leave in peace, but it have to let me experience seven levels of hell. For what? to have unforgettable experience, then, this damn place won. It's in my top list of fucking worst moments in life.

Ugh, it's not like I have a phobia with reptiles, but still, they can be really scary when they are angry or hungry, just like me. I wanted to check if it's dead or not, but it might still be moving, and just waiting for me to go near it, then bite me to death, if it comes to that, I'll just kick it away from me.

Nah ah positive thoughts Yaesoon positive! You have the strength to kill it, so the moment it strikes just fucking punch it, or flatten it, whatever.

After the talk and conditioning with myself. I decided to just get this over with, so I can finally rest, and continue surviving tomorrow, or the next days, and then go home. Now, that I'm slowly walking, I noticed its red form flew all the way to the other side of the forest, so there were several trees destroyed. Sorry mother nature it's an emergency

Anyways, I think I saw that the reptile is a huge ass snake, which I don't even have any idea, what type of snake is that huge. So let's just wing it, and survive, that's the only word I encountered this days, manifesting it inside my head to outside my body. When I reached the form of something red, I saw something unbelievable, the huge ass snake who is redder than my sister's lipstick, turn into a fucking man, I felt like dreaming again.

The snake turns into a red long haired man, and he has hair longer than my mother. But he has pale skin, and his face is almost feminine, with eyelashes longer than mine could ever dream off, and he has the lips of an angel. In short, he was a red haired beauty.

Wait a fucking minute, the whole time I'm here, in this huge ass forest, don't tell me this creepy red snake is here with me. Is this an alien planet? Am I abducted by them because of my powers, but what about the others who have the same strength as me, like my sister? That bitch should be here suffering with me.

"What in the fuck are you?!"

I'm going to ask this question, so my brain won't come to any stupid analysis or assume any idiotic ideas, that my delusional brain concludes.
And that red bastard just smirked at me, with his beautiful face, damn him! He's smirking face is lethal. He's more handsome than the idols I crushed on my whole life. He's like the perfect- anyways it's just his pretty face, and if it turns out his personality is trash, I'm going to throw him away with my best pitch, and he'll say goodbye to that handsome face of his.

"Female, what is your name?"

Seriously? He answered my question, with a question. I'm usually a patient person, but this bastard is testing them right now, well I was irritable ever since I was brought in this strange what? World or universe?

"Female? What is it to you male, to know whatever my name is, I gave you a question so answer that first."

Ugh, it's like I'm talking to a child with this guy, I can't even muster any patience within me now, they are becoming non-existent the longer I'm here.

"Fine, if that is what you want my female. I am a feral Beastman, named, Curtis."

What is this guy even talking about, and my? Is he a delusional bastard like me? No, even more than me.

"Feral? Beastman? So you are a man who transforms into a beast? Do you have magic? Is that what this is?."

"Magic? No, I was born in my beast form, and transforms into a man, if that is what you called my bipedal form."

So it isn't magic? What the hell brought me into this place then? A portal? or a scientific experiment gone wrong? So many questions, but no way to find out the truth, but I think this guy here can answer all my questions, about where I am, so that I can finally go home to my family.

"Then Curtis, I am Yaesoon, my full name is Nam Yaesoon. You are going to answer all the questions I'm looking for, about where I am, or else I'm going to beat you."

This is the only way I know I can ensure myself, and to find a way home.

"Sure, in exchange will you be my mate? Yaesoon."

A mate? It doesn't sound like a friend to me, like the Australian's does. Since earlier he called me 'my female', then I'm going to play my cards carefully with this guy. He can't win, with me being stronger than him, but clever mind, win when it comes to a battle, after all strength can last you and leave you, but wit, will not.

"Explain to me what a mate is first, before I agree or disagree with what you are asking, and don't lie to me either, or I'll knock you out."

Our conversation turns into me threatening him. I must sound like a third rate villain in the shitty novels I read, shit, if my sister heard this she's going to make my life a joke.

"A mate is someone you protect and taken care of, you share them with their other mates, to ensure survival. They will also be with you all through your life, and make cubs with, but that's the standard here in the beast continent. I want to be your one and only mate, and no one else but me."

Oh! I see, so it's like the Vampires and Werewolves novels I read, with the mating stuff going on here. Sharing? Is this world a polygamous one then? Ha... so many questions in my mind, but first, with this it can gave me the decisions to make, if I can't find a way home, and live here to survive, so my questions will just have to wait, until I find answers to everything, here in this strange place, I can't just give up and accept that I lost my family. I have a whole life in my world to live, that I have yet to experience, and a difference to the world to make, just like my family.

"I can't answer that yet Curtis, we just met, and I already hurt you. Until we get to know each other, I won't entertain you as my mate, I am not ready for that yet, but you can accompany me, if you want, in my journey."

"I am a bit disappointed, but it doesn't mean you are outright rejecting my advances, so I will be patient with you and wait. This is the first time I felt this emotion, so I will accompany you Yaesoon, until you accept me as your mate."

Phew, thank goodness he agreed, if he didn't I will have no choice but to beat him, until he gives up on it.

"Then let's go, I wanted to sleep, and wake up early, so let's get out of here."

He pushes himself upward, and dusted the leaves that clings to his slim body, and transforms again, but this time only the downward part of his body turns into a snake. Woah, that's an incredible ability, and interesting, if he was in Earth, for sure, he will be treated as a rare specimen and will be experimented.

Anyways, we have time to get to know each other, I'll see who he really is.

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