Chapter 9

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Now that it's starting to rain, we immediately took cover on a nearby cave, as a temporary den to protect us from the incoming storm.

We were eating our dinner, but it's really just me chewing the slightly charred meat, as I try to swallow it along with my bottled water in hands, that I made earlier with the branches I break the other day, so it's really taste woody to drink, I'll just think of it as a wood flavoured juice, beggars can't be choosers. Thankfully, my body is not dying with some kind of disease by eating and drinking uncleaned food and water, but I did experience my embarrassing pooping liquid without anything to wipe my butt with, just leaves and water to clean myself from my own shit. Ugh! This is really the worst, I know that Curtis is not bothered with it, since he told me it's natural, but that made it even more shameful, since I'm bothered by my lack of hygiene, since coming here, while he stays fresh and clean. I don't know how he do that or what's his secret to stay hygienic, I envy him.

The clothes I previously wore, looks like the rags we use in cleaning our house, that I did not wear it again, and just use it to wipe myself clean, it didn't made me feel better but I don't have a choice. Feeling dirty and sorry for myself won't help my situation, so I just stop caring about it, and puts it on the back of my mind. It doesn't mean I can tolerate my own body odor though, I just wish to have a proper bath right now, anymore than my smelly ass, and I'm gonna kill myself.

I scratch my scalp roughly with a constipated look in my face, as I check my growing dirty nails full of shit. If my sister can see me right now, she for sure will not let me live, and shame me till I felt the urge to kill her and myself. Because of my sudden actions, Curtis shot me a look of concern shit,this is so humiliating than singing in front of my family every Christmas.

"Yaesoon what's wrong? Do you need anything? Should I give you an emerald?"

He's care for me is really touching, but I can't appreciate it with my situation right now, that I feel bad, but an emerald? Sure, if that can solve all the problem I have right now, I'll consume all of his gems, but I'm not that shameless to use, and take advantage of his affection for me, even if he's almost offering everything he have to me, it's not worth it.

"I'm sorry Curtis, and thanks for the concern but I'm fine."

"But it's my responsibility, to make sure you are given the care you deserve to, as you are my chosen mate."

This guy is really good with his words, and if I'm a normal female here I might accept his sweet proposal, and let myself be spoiled by a male like him, without caring for his feral status, but I don't want to feel useless and dependent to Curtis, my parents raise me better than that. I know it's his choice to do this, and he's practically offering himself, but I'm just not used to what's normal here.

"And I am grateful for that, but sometimes, I just want to prove myself, so that I can carry my own weight without depending on anyone. I want to stand up for myself, and take an initiative to step up, since this is the first time that I will do things on my own."

He looks like he's trying to consider what I just said to him, and silently stares at the burning branches in front of him. Maybe, he's contemplating about my speech earlier, so I left him to think, and stands to explore the new place we are staying at, so I know if it's safe or not, though I'm sure Curtis made it safe for me beforehand, he is considerate to me like that, it makes me happy despite everything I have gone through.

After inspecting the whole place, I noticed that it had traces that there are people who lived here before, because of the used furs that are situated near the side of the cave. I wanted to use it as a carpet, since it was already used and dirty, but it's just big enough for me. I know Curtis won't need this kind of thing, since he has tough scales for protection but still it's the thought that counts, our relationship should be two way, not just all about me.

Did I just say our relationship? What the fuck girl stop thinking about it, you are not even clean enough to be considered a human right now.

I was walking back to Curtis direction, when I heard a loud thunderclap that it made me flinched, I slightly jump. Thank God, it's a relief that this cave is not alleviated high in the mountains, or else we'll be toast, I may have the strength of a God, but the God of thunder is not inside me.

Now that I think about it, this place is like Batman's secret hideout, or cave, whatever it's cool, and I wanted to try living here, but I will still need to ask for Curtis opinion, if he wanted to live here with me.

"Female, I was looking for you."

What the hell! That honestly startled me more than the thunder, this Scorpio dude can't take a hint, he just appeared out of nowhere with his creepy ass.

"Dude! What the fuck are you doing here? I clearly said I don't want anything to do with you."

"I'm not Dude, female my name-"

"I don't care what the hell your name is, get out of here!"

I didn't noticed Curtis is in front of me, because of this irritating bastard, he's really like an insect. Damn, why are this people so tall, no I'm just small compared to them, anyway, I think they will start fighting now, but they can't do it here, if the cave get damaged I will yeet his Scorpio ass out of here, back to whatever place he came from.

"You bastard Scorpio can't you listen to people, I'm pretty sure you have perfectly working ears and if you don't need them just say so, I will rip them for you."

"Yaesoon, don't bother with this thing I will get rid of him for you."

I think Curtis wants to add 'for good' in his sentence, well since this shit right in front of us is persistent like the shit in my toilet when I don't drink enough water, I will let him teach that bastard a lesson. Besides, I trust Curtis, he can take care of himself, he even survive my fist, so I'm sure he can do this, and I can just throw that bastard away if he tries anything funny to Curtis.

The two males step outside when I express my discontent about fighting inside my new territory. Good for them, they listened and obediently step outside, or I will throw them both outside.

Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I lean near the entrance of the cave watching them like an audience waiting for a good show. They just can't wait to do this when it's not raining heavily, even if they have the body of steel like Superman, I think they can still get sick.

Whatever, I'm not their mother to tell them what to do. That Scorpio is bravely stupid to confront Curtis like that, but it's his choice to do this, and it doesn't have anything to do with me, so I'll just watch and observe how they fight here.

It's a great learning experience for me.

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