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Mother's Love

Niki opened the door and Hitomi followed him inside. She couldn't see much behind Niki, when he blocked almost her whole sight. The vestibule was small like those ofter are in apartment flats. On the right side there was a door leading to a room and where Hitomi stood was a direct view into the living room and next to it was kitchen.

"Mom! What are you doing! Get down there!" Niki said wearily and slouched towards the living room. His mom was there hanging Cristmas lights using a stool.

"Don't worry, Riki. I'm just hanging the lights." His mother insured.

"How many times I've told you to not do things like this, mom." Niki nagged.

"Well, somebody has to."

"Okay, I'll do it. I'll do it." Niki undertook. He secured his mothers landing from the stool. Reina fluffed Niki's hair and smiled proudly. "My boy is such a gentlem- Hitomi!" She excitedly exclaimed and jogged toward Hitomi, when she saw her in the hall. Niki pushed the stool away and started to hung the lights just on his feet, which his height made possible.

"Nice to see you, Hitomi." Reina said and rubbed Hitomi's shoulders with a smile.

"You too Mrs. Nishimura." Hitomi replied.

"Just call me Reina. And, did Niki invite you over? Oh, you're the very first girl he has ever brought home. I'm so prou- "

"Mom! We're studying!" Niki irritably shouted from the living room. He apparently was listening their conversation.

"Studying, huh?" Reina said quietly, that he couldn't hear anymore and winked at Hitomi. She definitely saw her own mother in her. Every time she hangs out with a boy (except Yuma) she gets misunderstood and her mother starts relationshipping them for no reason. But isn't every mother like that? Hitomi still became awkward for some reason.

"Okay, I'm done. Stop teasing her." Niki said while he was walking towards Hitomi and his mother. "Is there anything else I can help with? Miss?" Niki jokingly asked his mother and stopped next to Hitomi. 

For him all the Christmas decorations were just meaningless and a waste of time, but he knows how stubborn his mother is and nothing will stop her from doing what she wants to do. Reina looked around to find some other chores and small tasks for Niki, to keep teasing him and test his patience. It looked so fun to Hitomi. Niki is actually just the same as his mother. Always teasing others. She couldn't help but to laugh a little.

"Yes. Take the trash out and take Bisco with you and make sure he pees and poops." Reina ordered with a teasing smile.

"Are you serious?" Niki asked in disbelief.

"Yea, yeah. Start going. Bisco is on the couch. Hitomi you can go to Niki's room. I'll start making dinner." Reina said. She pointed at Niki's room to instruct Hitomi. Niki left quickly from her side and went to the kitchen to get the garbage bags. He called the word 'Bisco' and a little dog tingled from the living room.

He has a dog?!

Hitomi would have liked to pet it but Niki seemed to be in such a hurry, that he quickly grabbed the dog leash and exit the door with it. Reina left as well to the kitchen to start making the dinner.

Hitomi slowly entered Niki's room. It was the room that was right next to the vestibule. There was dark first, so she pressed the light switch. The room had no windows because it wasn't located near the exterior of the building. It wasn't a big room. Maybe a little smaller than Hitomi's room. 

On the left side was his study desk, but there were no school books or even a computer. But it was full of other stuff and garbage. At the end of the room was his bed. It looked normal and had usual dark blue duvet covers.

Hitomi got excited that she was alone in his room and could do anything. And she definitely went to rummage through the drawers of Niki's school desk. Niki went through all her stuff when he was at her house, so of course she can too. Nothing really sensible was found in his drawers. Some notebooks and diaries he had written in 2014, but she didn't bother to read them. 

Hitomi also found some old figures on the bottom shelves and some CDs. She found an old photo where were three people, young Niki, his mother and a man in a soccer field. But the man's face was smeared with a marker.

His dad?

Hitomi started feeling bad as she rememberd what Niki told about him. "My father abandoned us when I was ten. That means he didn't love us enough." In this case, Hitomi's situation was better. She had a dad that loved his family so much, but Hitomi never got to meet him. And Niki had a dad who left them ruthlessly. 

She couldn't even imagine the hatred Niki probably felt towards his father. She glanced on her left side and saw a mirror. From the reflection she saw the ceiling and dropped the picture in surprise. She turned around and gazed at the ceiling. It had a lot of white star stickers glued there. The background was dark blue and it looked like a night sky. It made the room look nocturnal and dreamy, but it wasn't like Niki at all. Hitomi thought more that his room would be full of sport stuff or naked women on his walls. This boy is full of surprises, Hitomi thought.

Hitomi heard the doorknop twisting and she quickly grapped the photo from the ground and put it back in the drawer. Niki entered the room with Bisco on his arms and laid it on the floor. The dog walked toward Hitomi and she crouched to pet it. His fur was light brown with mixes of white and really soft. Bisco seemed really calm. 

Niki grabbed all the trash from his desk and threw those in the trash can. Then he took all his dirty clothes laying on the floor and hid them under his bed. "Yeah, we should begin then." He suggested.

"Okay." Hitomi answered and stood up from the floor.

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