Chapter 2

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Jon woke up the next morning with a pounding ass headache and groaned when remembered what happened last night. He grabbed his phone and called Dominique but it went straight to voicemail. He tried texting too, but his messages turned green. She had blocked him.

He looked at the door when Josh walked in. Josh walked over to him and handed him a to-go container.

"Here. got you breakfast." Well technically Dominique got him breakfast and told Josh to make sure Jon ate it. She knew that he normally didn't eat when he woke up with a hangover. Josh had gone to breakfast with her and Ishana to make sure Dom was okay. She wasn't. It was kinda jarring to see. In the 6 or 7 years that Josh had known Dominique he never once saw her cry.

Jon took the container and set it aside. He wasn't in the mood to eat right now. He needed to talk to Dominique. Getting out of bed he took a quick shower and got dressed and making sure he had Dom's ring. He was almost out the door when Josh stopped him.

"Give her some time, Uce, talk to her at the arena." Jon shook his head.

"No, I fucked up and I need her to know that what happened last night wasn't my intention." He walked out the door and Josh followed him.

"Man, I saw you last night. You were too comfortable with that girl." Josh said as they walked to the elevator. Jon pressed the up button and looked at his brother.

"I was drunk Joshua." Josh shrugged.

"You think that makes what happened right Jonathan?" Josh countered back. "She saw everything Uce."

"Man, she kissed me. How was I supposed to know she was gonna do that." Jon said as they stepped on the elevator. He tried to hurry and press the 'door close' button but Josh slid in before the door closed.

"Did you hear what I said? She saw everything," Jon pressed the '9' button so the elevator could start moving. "She saw you give the girl your phone."

"Oh" Jon said as he gulped. He immediately pulled his phone out and tried to remember the girl's name from last night so he could delete her contact information. He furrowed his eyebrows when a notification came in from instagram.

@ _kendraB_ : you never texted nd i dont hve ur number so DM it is.

Kendra! That was her name. Jon deleted the DM and then went and deleted her contact from his phone. When she asked him for his phone he wasn't going to give it to her. He was going to tell her that he was engaged but Dominique telling him to go find someone else kept repeating in his head.

"Oh, that's all you gotta say?! Man you was trippin two days ago because you felt like she didn't wanna marry you and now you out here letting random ass girls put they numbers in yo phone!" Josh was pissed and rightfully so, he liked Dom, he looked at her like a sister and thought that Dom was good for his brother.

Jon ignored his brother and got off the elevator when the doors opened. He thought that his brother would stay on the elevator and go back down to his room but when Josh followed him, he stopped in his tracks.

"What?!" He asked, irritated. "Why you following me!"

"Somebody gotta stop her from killing you." Jon rolled his eyes and continued onto the room he and Dom were sharing. He hesitated before knocking on the door and covering the peephole with his hand.

He heard Dominique sigh from the other side of the door. She knew it was him.

"Go away Jonathan. I don't want to talk to you." He just kept knocking on the door. His knocks got louder and louder until she snatched the door open. Standing there in her robe and bonnet. "What part of go away do you not understand?!"

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