Chapter 3

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Dominique stood in the writer's room in shock. Was Ishana missing the fact that Jon - her fiance - let another woman kiss him. She left, not wanting to be in that room when Ishana came back. She made her way back to Hunter's office just in time to watch the first match, which happened to be Jon's. Even though she was pissed at him she didn't want to miss his match. She's never missed a match of his since they've been together.


Jon and Josh made their way back through the curtain - hype that they retained their titles. Jon was disappointed though when he walked through the curtain and didn't see Dom in her usual chair next to Hunter. They walked back to their locker room, with Jon thinking of ways to get Dominique to listen to him. He was not about to lose her, not now, not ever.

"Still aint hear from Dom?" Josh asked after Jon stopped in front of Hunter's office. Jon shook his head and continued walking. It was obvious she was avoiding him. Not being in her usual spots around the arena or hanging out with her friends. She had holed herself up in Hunter's makeshift office, locking the door so no one could enter.

"Nah, man. I don't know what to do." He walked over to his luggage and pulled out some clothes to change into after his shower. "I even went to the writers room and talked to Ishana."

"Yeah? What she say?"

"She told me off, before I could even talk. Then she let me explain how I'd been feeling recently and she told me she understood but that what I did wasn't excusable." When Josh opened his mouth, Jon cut him off. "Yes I know that if the roles were reversed I would've been pissed off. But I'm trying to make it right." He looked down at his phone and saw that the message he just sent turned green. "She still has me blocked. How am I supposed to make it right if she won't talk to me Uce?" Josh arched his eyebrow.

"You being forreal? Am I talking to the same guy who flew her to Paris to propose just because you heard her say that was her ideal place to get proposed to? Jon, you one of the most sappiest people I know. You know what to do." Jon cracked a smile and nodded. 


.Dominique didn't see Jon or Ishana for the remainder of the show and she really didn't care. Ishana had pissed her off. On one hand she understood where Ishana was coming from, but she knew damn well if the shoe was on the other foot, Ishana would probably act worse and probably do worse.

Like, she understood Jon wanted to apologize to her but her fucking feelings were hurt. Why should she forgive this man for letting some girl penetrate his space?

She caught an uber back to the hotel and immediately packed her stuff and found an earlier flight to Pensacola. What she didn't know was that after Jon had his talk with his brother he had left the area and was already back at their house in Pensacola waiting for her. 


Dominique arrived at their home around 3 am and groaned when she noticed that Jon's Escalade was now parked on the street and not in the driveway indicating that he was there.

She walked up to the front door and unlocked it. All of the lights were off so she hoped that he was sleeping and she wouldn't have to see him. She went into the kitchen and let out a shriek when she saw him sitting at the counter, nursing a bottle of beer.

"Welcome home." He said as he took a sip. Dominique turned on the light and walked further into the kitchen, setting her purse on the counter.

"I hope you decided to drink that after you drove. You can't afford anymore DUI's" That was a low blow and she knew it. He didn't say anything. He just watched her go to the fridge and grab something to drink. "What?" she asked after noticing he was staring at her.

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