Chapter 7

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Although Song Xiren's words when he first came in made Lu Changgen unhappy, Song Xiren had traveled all over the country when he was young, and his vision was naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people. After the two sat down and chatted for a few words, Lu Changgen put the unpleasantness behind him.

Lu Zheng'an and Song Huaishu brought tea to the main room, and saw that the two were chatting happily. As juniors, he and Song Huaishu couldn't say anything, so he apologized to them and led Song Huaishu to the vegetable garden behind his house.

The old man of the Lu family is a scholar, so the courtyard layout is naturally somewhat elegant. Seeing the rose branches and vines climbing all over the courtyard wall and the rose in full bloom at the corner, Song Huaishu felt very envious.

However, when Song Huaishu followed Lu Zhengan around the house, he was even more amazed when he saw the brightly blooming rapeseed flowers and the rows of tender green vegetables in the vegetable garden.

Lu Zhengan, who was walking in front, didn't hear Song Huaishu's footsteps, so he stopped and turned around. Seeing him standing motionless at the gate of the garden, he hurriedly asked, "Why don't you leave?"

Hearing this, Song Huaishu looked away, smiled and said: "I thought you were already very good at living alone, but I didn't expect that you are also good at growing vegetables. March and April are the times when vegetables are most scarce. You If this dish were sold in the town, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to buy it without two pennies per pound."

Lu Zhengan couldn't help but laugh, "I grow them all to eat myself. If I sell them in the town, I won't have enough money to go back and forth."

With that said, Lu Zhengan walked to a patch of small rapeseed and stopped, squatted down and started pinching the cabbage hearts that had just emerged. "You don't have a garden at home, right? Take some back with you when you leave in the afternoon."

"No, my home is very close to Caishi Street. It only takes a quarter of an hour to go back and forth." Song Huaishu imitated Lu Zheng'an and bent down to pinch the newly emerged cabbage.

The breeze blew by, bringing with it the fragrance of rapeseed flowers. Song Huaishu raised his head and saw Lu Zhengan squatting under the flowers picking vegetables. The originally tall young man is now picking vegetables with a serious look on his face. Although it is not appropriate, it is very comforting to see.

"You still have to spend money if you go out to buy it. I'm the only one in my family. I can't finish the food and I have to shovel it out." Lu Zheng'an pointed to the leeks and lettuce growing in the vegetable patch next to him. "The leeks and lettuce in this season are just right to eat. I'll make you some stir-fried lettuce and scrambled eggs with chives later, I'm sure you'll like them."

The two people who were chatting did not notice Song Xiren and Lu Changgen standing at the door of the vegetable garden.

Song Xiren did not expect that his son would get along so happily with a stranger he had only known for a day, especially when the two were chatting, the smile on his face and the light in his eyes were probably not even realized by him. Seeing such a scene, Song Xiren felt both relieved and sad.

What is gratifying is that since Song Huaishu knew that he was different from ordinary people, he could not help but feel a little inferior, and he could not help but feel a little timid when dealing with others. Nowadays, it is rare to meet a friend who agrees with me, and there is no longer the timidity in his actions and words.

However, what is worrying is that the reason why the younger brother of the Lu family can treat Song Huaishu so kindly is because he does not know his son's secret. If one day the secret of Song Huaishu's body is known to him, it's really hard to say whether he can accept Huaishu as his friend.

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