Chapter 86

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Ever since Song Huaishu met Hong, everyone in the Lu family courtyard had their hearts in their throats. They were always paying attention to Song Huaishu's movements. Whenever he frowned, everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

However, what is unexpected is that Song Huai Shu, which was supposed to be produced after it became popular, has never been produced. The two gentlemen brought by Mrs. Ji looked at it several times and found it strange. However, seeing the child nestled safely in Song Huaishu's belly, they could only say that it was not yet time.

During this period, Lu Zheng'an and Mrs. Ji, who were worried, invited Dr. Zheng and Dr. Rong to the door respectively. The two helped Song Huai Shu take his pulse and asked about the child's fetal movements.

From what Song Huaishu and Lu Zheng'an said, the child was still full of life every day. The two doctors, like Wen Po, guessed that it was not yet the time to give birth, so Lu Zheng'an and the others should not be anxious and try to be as calm as possible. So as not to affect Song Huaishu's mood.

When Lu Zheng'an was seeing Dr. Zheng out, he saw that Lu Zheng'an's eyes were black and blue, and his eyebrows had not stretched since he entered the door. He smiled and comforted: "They say that when a melon is ripe, it will fall off. When the melon is ripe, it will fall off." There is still less than half a month until your brother-in-law gives birth, and the date should not have arrived yet, so it is useless for you to be anxious."

However, Doctor Zheng's words did not comfort Lu Zhengan. "If the day hasn't come yet, why does it turn red? Doesn't it mean that the baby should be born when it turns red?"

"There are no absolutes in anything. Your brother-in-law is still a man and is pregnant and has a child. It is possible that he is different from an ordinary woman. And I also said that there is still half a month until the birth. , although it can be considered a full-term baby, it is still almost a baby. After the baby is born, you take care of it, no matter how careful you are, it is not as safe as the mother's womb. "

When Lu Zhengan heard what Dr. Zheng said, he thought that in modern times, some premature babies are given special care by medical staff after they are born. And this is an ancient country with backward medical conditions. No matter how good Dr. Zheng and Dr. Rong are in their medical skills, they can hardly compare to the high-tech modern ones when it comes to treating newborn babies...

Thinking about it this way, Lu Zhengan felt relieved. After sending Doctor Zheng to the mountain road, Lu Zhengan turned around and saw Secretary Song Huai standing at the door with his belly in his hands.

"The sun is a little bright right now. Is it hot when you stand outside the door?"

Lu Zhengan quickly came to Shu Song Huai's side, took his arm and slowly led him towards the house.

"It's okay. I feel a little uncomfortable sitting there. Come out and walk." After saying that, Song Huaishu turned to look at Lu Zheng'an, who had his brows stretched out. He couldn't help but smile, his eyes full of apologies.

"I just saw you talking to Dr. Zheng. What did Dr. Zheng say to you? You looked relaxed. Hey, I don't know what's wrong with this child. He just refuses. Come out, what's the trouble? Our whole family, young and old, can't live in peace."

"Why are you anxious? It will come out naturally when the time comes. Doctor Zheng just told me that at this time, you must maintain your mentality, recharge your batteries, and wait for the baby's arrival."

Song Huaishu was so amused that he couldn't help laughing when he heard Lu Zheng'an's words. He stepped into the main room and saw Mrs. Ji sitting on a chair drinking tea. He also sat down beside her.

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