Chapter 115

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As soon as they heard that wages were going to be paid, the villagers spontaneously gathered at Lu Changgen's house. Looking at the half-bag of copper coins on the table and the two large carts full of mooncakes on the mule cart in the yard, everyone's faces were filled with smiles.

The price of dried peaches is very high this year. Knowing that every household is having a hard time, Lu Zheng'an also raised everyone's wages. According to the number of days everyone worked in Lu Changgen's notebook, Lu Zheng'an counted the coins that each party deserved, and distributed the wages to everyone one by one according to the list. In addition, each family also received an additional two coins. Jin of mooncakes.

"Zheng'an, why are you still paying for this? Are you giving out so many mooncakes? The salary seems to be more than last year?"

After listening to Liu Changshan's words, everyone also counted the wages they received, and found that it was indeed nearly twenty more than last year. After receiving a lot of money, they couldn't help but wonder if Lu Zhengan had miscalculated the wages.

The audience members suspected that they had calculated their wages wrongly, and Lu Zhengan couldn't help but laugh. "The orchard has such a good harvest this year. You guys have helped me a lot. You all deserve the wages. As for the two kilograms of mooncakes, why don't you celebrate this? You guys have helped me this year. There are so many, and I have nothing to give as gifts. Two kilograms of mooncakes for each family is my best wish."

After hearing Lu Zheng'an's words, everyone had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Although Lu Zheng'an kept saying that everyone helped him, if Lu Zheng'an hadn't advocated digging wells to fight the drought, life for everyone in Lujia Village would have been much more difficult. Especially when he himself was in debt, he was able to pay them so much extra wages, and everyone was even more grateful.

Watching everyone disperse, Lu Zhengan yoked the mule cart and started walking home. When we reached the foot of the mountain, we saw two elders of the Song family driving their car slowly towards this side. After seeing Lu Zhengan, Song Xiren hurriedly raised the whip in his hand.

"Father, mother, why are you free? Are you here?"

The holiday is coming soon, and the shop is busy. Lu Zheng'an wanted to pay everyone's wages, so he went over to take a look in the past two days. Unexpectedly, the two elders came over first.

"Everyone is on a tight budget this year, and we will save whatever we can during the holidays. We are not as busy as before. Is this old lady still in your family? She is also our elder, so she naturally wants to come and have a look. ."

Hearing this, Lu Zhengan nodded. Looking at the things in nearly half of the car, he couldn't help but said: "Father, mother is really polite, but even if you come to take a look, you can't do that? There are so many things."

"I just bought something suitable when I saw it. It looked like a lot, but in fact there were not many." Song Xiren said with a smile. Seeing Lu Zhengan driving a mule cart, he knew that he must be paying wages to the people of Lujia Village. I went there and asked, "Have you paid off all your wages?"

"It's all settled. If Boss Ma's business is good, the money I owe my father and mother can be paid off this year."

The two elders of the Song family were very pleased to hear that Lu Zhengan had been thinking about this problem. "We're not in a hurry. We pay the same amount at any time. Besides, haven't you always wanted to cash in on a shop? You should focus on business first."

"Well, I plan to take Huai Shu, Xing Yi and the others to Linzhou to have a look in two days. Let them go out and relax, and they can also look around to see if there are any suitable shops."

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