16. Scattered lives and shattered hearts

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It's been a week to that incident. A complete week. No one in the team was even close to being fine at that time. They all just got scattered like the beads of a broken necklace.

It was their match day. The team got out on 153. They couldn't even defend the total. They lost. Not just the match but they lost in their lives. They lost at being her boyfriend, bestfriend and dear brothers.

If someone would ask about Shubman. His life seemed like a black hole at that moment. Coz the light of his life, his guiding light was no more there. The sun setted for him that days and it never rose again coz the sunshine that brightened his day was no more with him. For once he thought something good could stay in his life but it didn't. He would want her to be by his side so bad that he felt his bones shook almost like breaking.

"I wish you knew how bad it fucked me up Niya. With all the smiles you brought I never thought you could cause so many tears. Dear God, WHY HER?" Shubman looked up and said.
The stadium was completely empty by now. It was just the ICT there. He looked up at those bright stars. Her eyes twinkled just like them. Everything was reminding him about her.

From that time Rahul had nightmares everytime he tried to sleep. Everyone was trying to console Shubman. Well they were with him too but little did they forget she was his best friend. And loosing your best friend is like loosing your other part.

To Ishan she was his partner in crime, his supporter, his friend, his bhabhi everything.

"Huddle up boys" Rohit said.

And all of them made a huddle and Rahul bhai began.

"Boys, we"

"A huddle without me?!" A voice came from the stands and all of them turned to that familiar voice. Well the face couldn't be seen due to the stadium lights. It was some girl. She came running towards the field. Shubman couldn't even react to it. He knew it was her.

"Huddle without me haan?!" She said again.

Everyone was shocked.

Ishan : Can you all see her or am I hallucinating?

Hardik : Seems like I can hear her too.

Mahi bhai : She...she is...for real guys..

Shubman dashed to her and hugged her. All his emotions were pouring out it that hug.

Shubman : You...you..are real? You are in front of me...? You...didn't leave me?

Niya : Yes, I am real, right in front of you. I never left and never will.

What/when/why/how it was not the time of these questions for him. However she was in front of him. That's all he wanted.

The team ran towards her and everyone hugged her with all their might. All of them cried, but this time it was happy tears. They thanked God a thousand times more before asking Niya anything.

Ishan : But..but...how did it happen? You...died...that day.

Niya : Umm...I never died. It was all a part of my plan. Plan to expose that guy. It's all a matter of past and I am sorry to make you all suffer from that.

Hardik : But..we saw you jump from the terrace right in front of us.

Rahul bhai : Yes, we all saw it.

Niya : I had a bungee rope with me but I still got a few cuts and stitches.

Shubman : But if it was a part of your plan you could've told us the moment we exposed Sahan. Why?? Why did you not come here for a week.

Niya : TO MAKE YOU REALISE HOW HARD THOSE 2 MONTHS WERE FOR US SHUBMAN. This is what we all suffered for those 2 months when you didn't talk to us, when you left us.

Kuldeep : Arey tum dono apne game mae hame bali ka bakra kyu banate ho yaar😭

Rohit : Yes, I am with him in this. Do you both even realise what we all went through.

Niya : I am sorry bhai. I really am. I promise to never do this again ever.

All of them again got engulfed in a group hug. Well she surely spent hours or so manofying her brothers and making a thousand promises to never do that again. But she would happily do it again for any of them.Even if it meant dying for real. She spent time with the whole team and then with each one of them alone. All of them were buzzing around her except one person. Rahul.
After her confession he just left from there to a corner of the ground and sat alone.

Niya saw him and went upto him.

Niya : Did you not miss me Rah?
She started trying to lighten the mood but stopped seeing a red eyed Rahul. Tears were continuously flowing from his eyes and his misery could be seen on his face. She embraced him like she did to no other person. She stroked his hair, rubbed the tears and caressed his cheeks.

Rahul : Do you..do you even have any idea how I felt. I failed as a best friend that day Niya! I lost my world that day. I lost the other half of me. Why...why did you do it? Why even this thought arrived in your head. Why????
He cried. Cried was a very soft word for that. He weild and he did that for hours not just at that time but since the day he saw her last.

Niya : Rah...please..please calm down. Please stop crying. I am here now and I promise to be by your side forever. I promise to be your best friend always.
I beg you please stop crying Rah.

Rahul : I too begged you that day. I did. And I kept begging to you for infinite times. I begged you to get up. But you didn't Niya! You didn't!

His state was no where near to good. He was depressed and shattered. He started facing problems in breathing and almost was about to faint while bawling his eyes out.

Niya : Rahul..Rahul...Rah!!! Breathe with me. Match my breathe...Breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out.

It took Niya more than an hour to calm him down. But he was still sobbing but it decreased with time. He finally embraced her. Hugged her like he got another life. He kissed her forehead and intervined her pinky finger with his.

This is a promise. A promise to be by your side always. A promise to always be your best friend. A shoulder to cry onn. A person to embrace and pour your emotions out without any fear. You are the oxygen to me without which I can't live...For you are my best friend... Said Rahul and looked at Niya. She just nodded her head in response and tightened their intervined fingers indicating that it was a relationship they shared vice-versa.

She never in her life saw someone like him. And how would she even? He was her best friend. A friend like no other. The person to which she mattered and how. Well all the best friends are a little too caring but he was different. He could lay his life for her without thinking twice. He could do anything in the world to see her happy. She thanked God. She was and will forever be grateful for such an amazing best friend she got. She just looked at Rahul -- Those eyes that had pure love and respect for her. Her best friend.


A/n : Hope y'all wont kill me now i guess.🙈🤐

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