[1]: The Roaring Terror

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Rouna States

Rouna States... The only place is known for the rest of mankind to stay after those things came to attack them, they were afraid, and they can't fight back.

The force from the Rouna States, the AntiBeast Forces, was the only one to come and provide protection to them with only one active force, The S.A.T.R.I.A force.

Rouna have always known the only safe and habitable place for now from this damned catastrophe breaking down the earth's population to a whole critical condition to a point where there's only approximately seven to twenty percent place of earth that is still habitable for humans.

This catastrophe first begins with a simple smoke that traps the whole New York City at that time before they finally shift into something they have never seen, a beast, a beast that could walk like a human but fight like an inhuman brute.

Being the only place habitable known for most of the time, Rouna States sized up to a whole Uni-Soviet as a standing mega city, because well screw country government, all the burden is being dealt with by those three people, the big three leaders...

Rouna States
Terra States

A rush of tapping rhymed down the ground, it was coming from two children running and laughing off as they played tag.

"Haha! You can't catch me!"
One kid with a red hood laughed as he ran around with his friend running at him faster.

A loud yelling stops them by force, they turn back at the florist woman looking at them with a fierce and stern look on her face.

"Don't go that way! No AntiBeast force is patrolling today!"
The woman yelled out once again as the smile on the children turned upside down into a frown, feeling bad about it the woman sighed.

"Now just do what I said, don't go near the border, play around any place safer."
The woman spoke with a softer voice and warmer face as her finger ran over the two children's cheeks.

She suddenly stopped as her hand rushed down into the depth of her pocket, the two kid' frowns shifted back into a smile, and laughter of joy escaped from their wide-open mouth.

She pulls out a flower, the classic rose, the icon of a burning red flurry of romance. Both the kid' mouths open wide as they gasp before taking the flower from her hand as their little feet run the opposite way to the market.

Her concern look finally fades as a warm smile pops onto the surface of her face, she slowly bends down to grab a watering pot.

She pulls herself to stand, the water rushes out of the head of the pot to water the plant in front of her flower shop.

A burst of slow but heavy steps thumped down the ground, the florist turned her head around to see the person she was waiting for.

"Oh hello there Ms. Anna, watering the bloomer again?"
A voice as deep as the ocean and as confident as an ambitious leader called the florist's name, Anna smiled even wider before landing a light hit on his shoulder.

"You know they can't live without water, Howl! I was waiting for You all day now!"
Anna chuckled with Howl, the man beside her in AntiBeast ACU, Howl smelled a beautiful scent coming from the inside, it smelled like his childhood as a feeling of guilt and concern washed over him.

Anna notices those faces, she clicks her tongue while rolling her eyes before pulling out one flower, Howl's eyes widen from surprise as he sees and studies the flower in front of him.

Apocalyptic Beast InfectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora