[19]: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎

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Rouna City

AntiBeast Facilities

"There, better as ever?" Dr. Rights sighed as she finish her job on rebuilding Orion's arm. Her face does not look like one that loves her job...

Orion sways his arm all around, testing it a bit before he nods in approval. Dr. Rights give out an irritated gaze as Orion didn't even say thanks...

"No thank you or anything?" Dr. Right mutters before crossing her arm, Orion took some time to drink a glass a water before he looks at Dr. Rights with an unhappy look. "Thanks..." He finally said the word, though it didn't make those rough look on the doctor's face fades.

"Yeah, I should have be staying quiet, you're bad at it..." Dr. Right grumbles out before starting her steps out of the room. Pushing out a combination of number on the keypad on the wall, the metalic door slides open along with Orion's annoyed growl erupting out after hearing the doctor's word.

"Im a killing machine, not a service animal. Kindness is not my thing." Orion defend himself, knowing his only job here well. He already know that he's a lucky one to be put under Akari's wing, if not, he would be one mutt whining for help.

The doctor stopped her steps, briefly thinking about Orion's word before sliding him a glance. "Even Edward did not teach you some manners?" Dr. Right spat out those words with stoic expression, causing the ears of Orion to be pulled back by all the frustration he have.

The doctor sighed, "Well after all the time, I realize that you are not unleashing your max potential. You need to practice."  She stated, her eyes is all towards one black haired figure that just stepped into the room. "Captain Schmidt will be helping you with that." She adds her brief explanation before continuing her steps out of the room.

With Dr. Rights gone, Orion is left with this black haired man... He have heard some about this man, Captain Karl Schmidt, one crazy guy that set his place on the second place as a person that have wiped out the most beast.

He have heard about him trying to chase out on Akari's place, who have wiped over forty thousand beast that have now become one with the wasteland dust.

"You're the mutt?" Karl bluntly spat out those word as he fold his arm together in front of his chest, causing Orion's ears to be pulled back in irritation. "And you're the bastard?" Orion finally gain the bravery to spat the insult back.

Karl just stood there with a gaze that is filled with nothing but interest, the captain finally fall into a chuckle as a curve of smirk form on his lips. "Well not a second and I like you already... Bravery is one thing some people find hard to gain." Karl chuckles as he unfold his arm back before he swings back to the side.

The captain's gaze flies around to eyes Orion's condition up and down, Orion took the brief pause to sip the glass of water he had. "So, you good? If you are, we could go out on the training room now." The captain asked, seemed to not be wanting any second wasted.

Orion blows out an air of irritation before he nods, the captain chuckles before he takes a slow step out of the room as he turn heels. "I'll be out on the training room if you are looking for me... Or at least if that crazy doctor told you to find me..." Karl calmly spoke as he push out the same combination of numbers to slide the door open.

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