[6]: Lycanthropy

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Winter Area

"... Don't look at me like that."
Connor spoke out of the silence after noticing that Fanny was looking at him like a whole stranger, Fanny scoffed as then Connor let out a confused 'Eh?'.

"Look... Don't be mad at me, Im just trying to help him out."
Connor stated as he sit beside unconscious Howl on the bed, Connor's hand reach out onto Howl's chest to feel it heartbeat.

"By transforming him! I hate it! The last time You attempt to transform anyone else they got insane!"
Fanny complain as she cried out, Her heart is still small even though she is a teenager now... Connor quickly scoff him up.

"Its not me, It was them who didn't have strong immunity towards Metabrutum..."
Connor stated  as he walked out of the room, Fanny then follows him as she grab him by his ears as Connor yelp out of shock.

"You are not going anywhere! Im not going to kill him if he fails to transform perfectly!"
Fanny exclaims as she pull him slowly onto the bedroom, Connor sigh, He quickly shoved her hand out of his ears.

"Trust me... He wont be a Feral..."
Connor stated, Fanny scoffed as she roll her eyed before she stare at him with a slight feeling of suspicion.

"And how did You know?"
She asked as she point out at Howl's unconscious body, He sweat even when he's unconscious...

"His body is fighting against the transformation, If he did transformed, He will be intelligent and sane as a normal human. That little drop of sweat is a sign that he had a good immunity against Metabrutum."
Connor explained as he smirked, Fanny fist is clenched before then she cries in defeat as she run into her room.

Connor is now left alone in the living room... He glances onto the window, A snow storm is happening outside. He wonders of what step do Akari takes, To make a honest report about Howl or to fake it?

Mistwood States

"It was such an honor to meet You, Akari Hanagi."
A voice of a rough raspy male greets Akari as she sit on the table, They were on the streets of Mistwood, On a cafe to be exact.

"Oh come on... Aren't You one of them super agent Edgard Von Delvia?"
Akari scoffed as she mention the person's name, Edgard laughed softly as he heard that.

"You know I love to be much lower  on the streets."
Edgard stated as Akari roll her eyes, The waiter comes into their table before he hand the coffee onto the table. His hand was shaky as he hand the coffee as then he quickly ran off to the other other tables.

"Is it my hair?"
She asked while Edgard chuckles as he take a sip from the coffee.

"Nope, So anyway, What did You want me to talk for?"
Edgard asked once again as his smile disappears from his face. Akari rest her head on her hand, Before then she sigh.

"Did anyone found out about him lately? Captain Caro gave the responsible to You. You was crazy enough to let him go as another agent... Honestly I didn't expect captain to be dead with his head exploded the next day."
Akari asked as she mentioned Captain Caro's death, Edgard expression become more stern as he heard it.

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