changing plans

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After me and Henry had our talk, he went home.

It's Wednesday today which means...
His dad is finally gone.

Right now I'm sitting with the group and at our usual lunch table

"Pst. Pst" I hear

I look at where the sound is coming from and I see it's Amelia

She signals to me to go with her to the bathroom

So obviously, I do

"I'll be right back" I say to the group and head off

We get in the bathroom

"Sorry to bother but I just started my period and I have no one else to ask except you" Amelia says embarrassed

"Why me?" I Ask

"Because I remember you told me you always have pads or tampons with you"

"Okay, whatever" I say, searching my bag. "There" I say and hand her a pad

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" Amelia says and goes into one of the stalls

"No problem" I say and walk out of the bathroom

Just then I see Laim
"You okay? I saw you go to the bathroom with Amelia " Laim says and looks at me directly in the eyes

"Yeah, I'm fine. She just asked for advice" I lei, because why would I actually tell the truth

The bell rings and I have History class with Kai

I say goodbye to Laim and head to class

"You running away from me love?" Kai asks and puts his hand around my shoulder

"No. I'm actually walking really slowly because History is so boring" I say and walk into the classroom

He chuckles

We sit next to each

Where just writing notes

"Hey love, what's the fist sentence?" Kai asks and tries to peak at my notes

I just give him my book

"Thank you" he says and snatches the books put my hands

When I see he's done, I snatch it back

"Do you wanna maybe come over to my place?" He says, acting shy

"Sure. But I'll come after my dance lessons" I say writing some of the words on the board

"Are people allowed to watch?" He says and looks at me

I looked at him shocked by the words he just said

"You actually want to watch?" I say, genuinely curious

"Yeah. I used to do hip hop when I was around 11 and 12 years old. After your dance we can go to my house"

I just smile to him

"Why did you stop" I ask

"I stared getting blullied. My old friends said I was skinny and too girly for a boy and no girl would want to sit next to me. So I stopped" he says looking down "but that's fine. I'm jacked now" he says and starts flexing

I give him a hug.
"I hope you find your way back to dance" I say then pull away

Kai smiles then says, "What type of dance do you do?"

"Well when I was younger I used to do ballet and, but when I got older I started being more into hip hop, jazz and modern dance"

"You do jazz?" Kai says with the biggest eyes

"Yep" I say and start taking notes again

"So you do hip hop, modern and jazz now?" Kai says and starts taking notes as well

"Yeah, But today I'm going to do modern"

"Damn, you're talented. You used to do cheer at school right?" Kai turns to me again

"Yeah, but that didn't go so well"

I basically started getting blullied by Amelia's new friends.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that" Kai says and starts taking notes again

"You don't have to feel sorry, it's not your fault.
Oh and, yes people are allowed to watch" I say and, giggling

"Okay" Kai says and chuckles

a few periods go by
And now I have English with Henry

"I'm not doing anything today, so if you want I can drop you off at dance class" Henry whisper and puts his pen down. The turns to me

"Oh yeah. I wanted to talk to you about that" I whisper back, put my pen down and look at Henry "from now on I'll be riding every morning with Hazel, and don't worry about Sam. He said he's going to start online school, so that he has more time on his hands. He stared working yesterday and to dance I'm going with Kai" I say

"Oh" Henry says disappointed "it seems like you and Kai are getting closer"

"I guess"

"Why don't you wanna ride with me anymore?" Henry says in a baby voice

"It's not that I don't want to, I just feel like me and Hazel need more time together, you know" I say and start writing again

I see he's a little sad about what I just said

"Just know you did nothing wrong, okay?" I say trying to make him feel beter

"Yeah" he says in a soft tone and starts writing as well

When it's after school I saw Kai waiting by his car

"Hey love" Kai says, then winks "you ready" he says then walks to the driver's door and gets in

"Yep, ready" I say and get in front

He starts driving to my house

"So today, when you have to go to dance, what do you do to get there?"

"Well sometimes I'll go with Henry and sometimes with an Uber." I say

"Well what about we do this every Wednesday, when you have to go dance?"

"No it's ok, I wouldn't wanna be a bother"

"No, I anyway have too much free time" Kai says trying to convince me

"Okay, fine"

Now where at my house. We went to my room. I take short black leggings and a white cropped tank top.

I go into the bath room to change. When I'm done I get out.

"If you want you can follow me, but I recommend just staying here because I'll be walking around like crazy person" I say and put my hair up in a high ponytail

"No problem" Kai says in a cool tone and lays on my bed and takes his phone out

After running around, getting all my things ready. I put some pink tinted lip gloss.

"Ok I'm done" I say standing in front of him

"Ooo super cute" Kai says and stands up

We walk out and I lock the door

I direct Kai to my dance studio. We then arrive


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