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Zane and I go downstairs and start playing truth with the group so that everyone can know each other more.

"Zane, did you notice Sky when she ran too you?" Kai asks Zane

"At first no, but the closer she got the more I recognized her" Zane says

That would have been super awkward if he didn't recognize me at all.

"Why do you think you didn't recognize her and what made you recognize her?" Henry asks

It feels like Zane is getting interviewed.

"Not to be that person but I didn't recognize her body. I mean the last time I saw her was when she was 12 and now she'llbe 18 in November." Zane shrugs "and her eyes made me recognize her. Her eyes are a very specific green so they're not hard to miss"

I'm really thirsty so I stand up and ask Zane to help me in the Kitchen because I don't know where everything is.

"Here's the water" Zane tells me

"Thank you" I smile

We go and sit down.

"It's that like your 5th water bottle today?" Henry asks me

"6th" I correct him

"Did you eat breakfast" Zane asks concerned

"Yeah, why" I lie

"Why are lying? You didn't eat breakfast" Kai says as he looks at me in the eyes

That idiot. Why would he say that?

"Sky you-" Zane says then stops "Never mind"

"So.." Laim says to make things a little less awkward "Zane, how old are?"

"I'm turning 20 in July" Zane says

"What do you do for work" Hazel asked Zane

"That's kinda personal but let's just say I'm a kinda like a CEO of a company" Zane says

"I should probably tell my mom that you're back in town. She'd love too see you again" I say as I take my phone

"Wait. No. We'll go to her tomorrow" Zane says "I wanna see her in person"

"I have school tomorrow so well go early in the morning" I say

"Sounds good to me" Zane says


After we had our fun, we all went home

Now it's morning. I'm with Zane, we're driving to my house. Yesterday he had a jacket on so I obviously couldn't see his arms. But today he doesn't have a jacket on.

He has big muscular arms and has tattoos. The ones I can see clearly are a moth and a rose.

We arrive and go to the door. I knock on the door.

Why did I knock? It's my house and I have a key.

About 5 seconds later someone opens the door. My mom.

Her face immediately light up as she sees Zane. She hugs him

"What a big surprise." She says as she pulls away from the hug "Look how big you got."

Zane chuckles "Yeah. I guess I got pretty big"

"Aww. I'm sure Sky was so happy to see you" My mom says then the watch on her wrist goes off "Oh, I need to go to work but I'm so happy to see you" My mom says as she gives Zane on last hug before she goes into her car

"Now let's go to school" I say and go over to his car


Zane drops me off at school then drives away.

When I get in the first thing that catches my eye is Henry and Hazel holding hands. Their standing with Laim

As I walk over to them, Hazel sees me and quickly pulls her hand away.

I don't care if they are together. I just hope they don't treat each other how they treated me and Kai.

"Hi" I greet them with a smile as I stand by them.

"Hi. Are you exited for summer break?" Hazel asked

"Already? It feels like spring break was just a week ago" I say.

I'm just now noticing Kai isn't here.

"Do you guys know where Kai is?" I ask

"No. But I did see him" Laim says

I sigh "Okay. Well I'm gonna go look for him. See you later" I say and walk away.

For some reason I have a feeling that he's in the library. No one uses it so he thinks it's piece full.

I open the library door and go in. As I look around I find Kai sitting on a couch.

"Hey stranger." I say and sit beside him

"Hi love." Kai smiles and puts his head on my lap

"What are you reading?" I ask

"It's a book about a girl who lost everything but found someone with  everything and that they live happily ever after"

Is he being sarcastic?

"I didn't know you're into love stories" I say as I start brushing his hair with my my hands

Kai chuckles "I'm not. I just want to see why you love them so much"

"I love them because most of them have love that you wouldn't fine in this world and some are so.. based on fantasy that you can't even get mad that it's not real. But most of all I love, love stories because I want that kind of love" I explain

"Tell me, what kind of love do you want" Kai asks

"The kind where there's loyalty and honesty. The kind where you both love and adore each other so much that all you think about is living a long and healthy life with each other. The kind where they have a soft spot for you and when you see them your hart does backflips. The kind were you're so comfortable with the person that you don't have to hide who you truly are." I say "And obviously the kind were there's hard core sex" I chuckle

Kai laughs "I absolutely agree on everything"

The bell rings.

I really don't want to go to class. Kai and I don't even have the same class together, instead it's me and Henry.

When I walk into class, Henry sees me and waves. Then signal too me to go sit next to him.

I walk over to him and sit at the table beside him.

"Where did you find Kai?" Henry asks

I'm obviously not going to tell him the truth. Why should I?

"I found him at the field" I say

"Oh." Henry says and opens his book


Launch time

Kai and I didn't go to the cafeteria. We went to the library.

I don't really want to be around Hazel and Henry if they can't even tell me their together and Kai just likes the library.

"Read me a book" I say

"Which one?" Kai asks, then gets up from the couch

"Whatever one you want to read"

Kai looks trough the books. His eyes widend " You'll like this one" Kai say and sits on the couch

"Come here" Kai says, signals to me that he wants to hold me while he reads

I put my head on Kai's chest and Kai raps his arm around me.


7 minutes in heavenWhere stories live. Discover now