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After I was at Kai's, I went home.
It's school again. Sam dropped me off then left

When I walk in the firt thing I see is Henry. But he's... he's.... kissing Hazel

I feel my legs shaking. Why? Why would he do that? why would HAZEL do that?? To me??

I need to go outside.  I can't breath. My heart feels like it's going to explode. I'm shaking everywhere

When I get outside I see Laim. He runs over to me and catches me before I fall on the ground

"Sky. Breath. You're gonna be okay. Look at me. Look at me" laim says concerned

I look him in the eyes trying to catch my breath. My breathing slowly calms down

"What happened?" Laim asks

"I saw-" my voice cracks, as tears start streaming down my face "I saw Hazel kissing Henry"

Laim looks at me with a shocked face for a few seconds then helps me up

"Okay look at me. You're gonna walk in there. Break up with Henry and act like you're the most confident, beautiful, strong woman. Understand?" Laim says strictly

I nod yes and put my confident face on.
When I walk in, I immediately go to Henry

"We. Are done." I say then slap him across the face. Then I walk away

"What? Sky let's talk" Henry yells but I act as if I didn't hear a single thing.

"Hey. I saw Hazel and Hen-" Kai says as he catches up to me, but I cut him off

"Henry cheated on me with Hazel. I just broke up with him."I say, as I keep walking. Then Kai grabs my hand and turns me, making me look at him

"I think you need to breath. Talk to him. Talk to Hazel. You can't just break up with him and leave. You guys were really good friends before about 3 weeks ago" Kai says. I can can hear it in his voice his serious and worried

I take a deep breath

"Okay. I guess you're right. But you're going to be with me when I talk to them because you and Hazel need to talk" I say. I'm trying to be as calm as possible right now

Kai Sighs
"Fine. Deal."

We walk to class and just talk there until the bell rings. Kai needs to go to his class now

Luckily, I only have Laim in this class so I don't have to deal with any stinky heads

After a few periods go by its lunch time. We all sit at our usual lunch table. Even Hazel is here.

"Okay. We don't have to talk right now. We're all gonna have a talk at my house after school. A mature talk" Kai says really strictly "If you don't come it's your loss. I'm not taking any bullshit after today."

After that he just walks away

I don't look at anyone but Laim. Then I stand up and walk away. I find Kai standing against a wall just outside the cafeteria

"You really just left me there" I say and give him a light push

Kai chuckles
"I didn't leave you. I'm standing infront of you, aren't I?"

I roll my eyes and give him a smile


After school I went with Kai to his house. I'm really not ready for this talk but I just need to get it done and over with

Once we arrive to his house, we wait a little then Laim arrives, then Henry, then... Hazel

We all sit in the living room. I'm between Kai and Laim. Henry is sitting by himself and so is Hazel

We sit in a awkward silence for a while

"Someone start" Hazel says annoyed

"Okay. Hazel. Why and how are you friends with Amelia again? And why have you been ignoring me?" I ask, sounding way more confident then I actually am

"Sky, I'm sorry for ignoring you and being rude to you. The day when I broke up with Kai, I went to the park and Amelia was there. We started talking and kinda became friends again. She apologized for leaving us and wanted to make peace" Hazel say looking at me, and me only. She sounds so genuine

I don't know what to say now...

"And Kai" Hazel says as her eyes go to him "I'm sorry for breaking up with you and the reason I gave you was stupid. I really like you, but I realized I only like you as a friend"

Oo. That's gotta hurt

I walk over to her and hug her.
"I missed you" I whisper in her ear.

I then walk back to where I was sitting

"I'm sorry too" Henry says, looking down
"I shouldn't have talk to you like that, and called you a annoying bitch"

"And the cheating?" I ask

"That was a dare from one of Amelia's friends. It was my fault not Henry's" Hazel says quickly

"Okay but Henry, you agreed" I say

"Yeah. I'm really sorry Sky." Henry says

It's fine. It's not like we didn't come here to not forgive each other
"It's fine" I say

"What?" Kai looks shocked at to what I just said then takes a deep breath "sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's your choice to forgive him not mine" He rolled his eyes

"Okay now that's settled. Laim... what's going on in your life. You've been really busy lately" I say and give Laim a smile

"Well. I met someone and let's just say it's going really good." Laim says

"Oh come on. There gotta be more" Hazel says interested

"Nope. That's it" Laim smirks

"Boring" Hazel says


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