Chapter 4: Beacon Academy

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On a sunny day in Vale, a large aircraft flies over a large city of tall buildings.

Kiryu is seen inside, looking out of the airship's window, viewing a new world he is uncomfortable with.

Kiryu is seen inside, looking out of the airship's window, viewing a new world he is uncomfortable with

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As he was taking in the view, he was pondering over the conservation, he and Ozpin had last night.


Ozpin: "Are you on the side of humanity or destruction?" The man said with a sly smile.

Kiryu: "Sorry?" He replied in English as he didn't understand his sentence.

Ozpin: "Hmm, you don't understand English much, your accent proved that." 

Kiryu heard the word English, so he figured that Ozpin knew he was foreign from this place. So he had to do his best to conversate with him. Eitherwise, it might turn bad in his favor.

Kiryu: "I don't know much, My home is... far."  He spoke slowly.

Ozpin: "Far as in, another Kingdom? or another... world?" He said curiously

Kiryu squinted at the word 'world', he suspected that this man already knew of his situation. He then became suspicious, feeling interrogated now by Ozpin.

Kiryu: "You... took me here?"  He said with spite.

He wondered whether Ozpin had dragged him into this place without his will. He wouldn't think twice to make him explain how he arrived here.

Ozpin: "Hmm? 'took me here'? So... you did come from another world?" He had a confused face from the unexpected response.

Kiryu sighed as he heard Ozpin say another question, he thought that either he was lying or was trying to help Kiryu.

Kiryu: "My home is not from here... got moved." He answered.

Kiryu decided to follow his instincts and answered the man with a gentle tone. Ozpin's eyes widened as he spoke, shocked by his answer.

Ozpin: "I see, I expected as much. The proof was that I see no sign of identification on you... unless you just lived far away from civilization for a long time but, I doubt that." He said

Kiryu sighed and looked down, contemplating if this was all a dream and if he would wake up from a night of drinking with Nishiki.

Ozpin: "Okay, how about you take my offer from before? I'll provide you with everything you'll need for your journey. I apologize for coming across as harsh right away because you're still a teenager." He said a little softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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