Sandstorm of Gold

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The desert was blazing hot, and the thick sand stretched as far as the eye could see. The Leader watched Ab In look at the harsh landscape with a smile.

 "Master, why do you smile? The desert is dangerous, scorching during the day and freezing at night. How can you look at it without fear?"

Ab In brought his camel to a stop and surveyed their surroundings. 

"A sandstorm is approaching; we need to take cover." 

The Leader was taken aback and chuckled, but his disbelief soon turned to fear.

Ab In pulled two large rags from his bag and instructed the Leader to cover himself and his camel's head until the sandstorm passed. As the storm raged on, the Leader was forced to hold his frightened camel down and had a moment of realization; he had never experienced a sandstorm before despite his extensive travels. The fear of his past transgressions and the emptiness in his life consumed him, and he wept as the storm subsided. 

Ab In collected the rag from the Leader and silently mounted his camel. "What do you see?" asked Ab In, his eyes fixed on the desert.

 "I see the desert," replied the Leader. 

"You see the desert, but it is not the same desert that it once was. The shape of it has changed. The desert is like our soul; we need a storm to change. And if we don't change, nothing will ever change," said Ab In with a smile. 

The Leader was confused and asked, "How can I change, Master?"

 Ab In looked out at the vast expanse of the desert before them and then back at the Leader.

 "We're likely at the center of the desert, yet we know where to go. How do we know that? We follow our history, our past. Sometimes, we're so consumed by the past that we can't escape it. But those who break free from the past have the power to change their future. It's up to them to use that power to their advantage. It's the same with an admiral or general in war. They use methods from the past to win. Sometimes, it's their past; if not, they learn from other men's mistakes. Smart people learn from everyone. The only ones who don't learn are those who don't want to learn. In other words, you have the knowledge, but you're not using it because you're afraid." 

The Leader remained silent, taking in the vastness of the desert around them. Although there were no signs of life, he knew people lived in towns and villages. Ab In led the way as they continued their journey into the desert, the golden sand glittering under the sun's heat. Suddenly, the Leader burst into laughter, and a phrase came to his mind. 

"You can't drink gold."

Tales of Ab Inजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें