Stones of the Past

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The day had ended, and the Leader could feel the cool breeze from the underworld. The sky was slowly turning dark, but before it did, the stars began to appear like shiny diamonds, their brilliance illuminating the darkening sky. Ab In and the Leader stood together, smiling as they watched the world transform. The desert was beautiful, with layers of yellow, red, and an unusual blue that seemed almost otherworldly. The black layers that covered the desert added a layer of depth and mystery to the scene. Despite the darkness, the Leader felt he was not alone. Ab In was with him.

Ab In turned to the Leader and spoke with urgency in his voice. "It's better to camp here. We have to prepare, they will come for us," he said, his eyes scanning the horizon. The Leader's heart quickened in his chest.

"Master, what do you mean? Who is coming? Should I prepare myself for battle?" he asked, his mind racing with possibilities.

Ab In knelt on the ground, pulling dark stones from his bag. He arranged them in a circle with a practiced hand and struck a spark from his flint to light a fire. The Leader watched in awe as the stones glowed with an otherworldly energy. "I have to find some wood, or the fire will not last," the Leader said, rising to his feet. "Do you see any wood around?" Ab In added with a big smile. "Don't worry; the fire will last until the first light appears in the sky."

The Leader had drawn his sword and prayed fervently, hoping to find strength and guidance from the divine. Ab In, however, knew that this battle could not be won with swords or fists. The enemy they faced was not an ordinary one and required a different kind of protection.

"Put your sword aside and sit with me," Ab In said, his voice calm but urgent. "These stones will protect us, but you have to be brave."

The Leader hesitated, looking down at his sword before reluctantly putting it aside. He sat beside Ab In, who had already begun arranging the dark stones in a circle. Ab In explained the significance of the stones as he struck a spark from his flint to light a fire.

"These stones are imbued with an otherworldly energy," he said, his eyes flickering in the firelight. "They will create a protective barrier around us, but only if we are brave enough to face the enemy head-on." The Leader nodded, feeling a sense of unease creeping over him. He knew that this enemy was not to be taken lightly and that they needed to be prepared for anything. As they sat together, waiting for the enemy to arrive, the Leader felt a sense of gratitude towards Ab In. Despite their danger, Ab In remained calm and composed, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Finally, in the distance, they heard the sound of approaching footsteps. The Leader's heart quickened in his chest, but Ab In remained calm as he stoked the fire, causing the stones to glow with otherworldly energy. As the enemy drew closer, the Leader could see the fear in his eyes as he approached the protective circle of stones. The Man tried to break through, but the stones held firm, repelling his attacks and keeping the two travelers safe. In the end, the enemy was forced to retreat, defeated by the power of the stones and the bravery of the two travelers. As they watched the enemy disappear into the darkness, Ab In turned to the Leader and smiled. "You see?" he said. "Sometimes, the greatest battles are won not with swords or fists but with courage and faith."

The Leader sat by the fire with Ab In; he could no longer contain his anxiety. "Who was that man without a face?" he asked, his voice trembling. Ab In looked at him with a knowing expression. "That man was your past," Ab In said. "The past that you have been running from all these years." The Leader felt his heart sink. He had always known that there was something he was trying to escape from, but he had never been able to put his finger on it. Now, with Ab In's words, everything suddenly made sense. "But what do I do now?" the Leader asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "You face your past, warrior," Ab In said. "You confront it head-on and don't let it defeat you." The Leader nodded, feeling a sense of determination growing inside him. He knew that he couldn't run from his past forever and that the time had come to face it.

The Leader embarked on a journey to confront his past. He traveled across the desert, facing many challenges along the way. Sometimes, he felt like giving up, but he remembered Ab In's words and pushed on. Finally, he arrived at the place where his past was waiting for him. It was a desolate, barren wasteland, with nothing but sand and rocks as far as the eye could see.

The Leader took a deep breath and stepped forward, ready to face his past head-on. As he walked, he saw a figure emerging from the shadows. It was the Man without a face. The Leader felt a surge of fear and panic but didn't back down. Instead, he stepped forward, his sword at the ready.

The Man without a face lunged at him, but the Leader was ready. They fought for hours, each blow striking with deadly force. The Leader felt his strength faltering, but he refused to give up. Finally, with one last blow, he struck down the Man without a face. As the dust settled, the Leader looked around, feeling a sense of peace. He had faced his past and emerged victorious. The Leader opened his eyes, and he first saw Ab's face.

"Wellcome back, my son. You have faced your past; this is a new sun for you." 

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