Time of Change

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Ab In woke after a deep sleep and looked around with blurry vision. At first, he thought he was having another hallucination, but he soon realized that he was no longer inside the secret temple where the First Star had left him. He noticed the Leader sleeping next to him, dressed in bright clothes that shone with a godly aura. When the Leader opened his eyes and saw Ab In standing before him, they knew something significant had happened.

"Your clothes!" The Leader exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and concern, his eyes widening in disbelief, "They're glowing with divine light! What could this possibly mean, Ab In?"

"What about them?" Ab In's voice, now laced with urgency, cut through the air, his eyes darting around the unfamiliar surroundings, taking in the strange plants and the distant sound of a waterfall.

Your clothes are also bright, but there are only clothes, nothing more. We are outside the cave and the temple. I believe the First Star, the celestial being who guides us, let us go. We must continue our journey, but I must find out how much time we lost.

Ab In's gaze swept across the landscape, his eyes drinking in the unfamiliar terrain and the distant silhouette of the Great Rocks. It was the same place they had left before entering the cave, yet it felt different, as if the world had shifted in their absence, leaving behind a slightly altered and somewhat unsettling version of itself.

The aura on their clothes slowly faded, and the colors reappeared. Ab In and the Leader felt that a long time had passed, but it was the same time. It was as if everything happened simultaneously in the past, present, and future—like a life long ago, a different route in time and a different choice. Time, it seems, is not a linear progression but a complex web of interconnected moments.

"It's time to move on. All we can do is move on. Life inside the temple, a place that once felt like a sanctuary, now feels like a time long gone. Nothing remains the same. Even we have changed without realizing it."

"But how can we know we have changed, master? How can we be sure that we are not the same people who entered the temple?" Asked the Leader, his voice filled with uncertainty.

There is only one way to accept change, and that is to move forward. We will find out soon enough. 

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