The First Star of the World (part2)

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As they walked along the path, they noticed something strange happening behind them. The path's stones were shifting and moving with every step they took. 

It was as if the path was closing behind them. The Leader turned to Ab In, his voice barely above a whisper, "Do you see that? The path is closing behind us." 

Ab In looked back and saw that the Leader was right. They both felt a growing sense of unease as they quickened their pace, the stones grinding together and creating an eerie sound that echoed through the mountains. 

Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and a bright light illuminated the path ahead. The stones behind them moved back into place, sealing them in. As they took their first steps forward, the light grew brighter, and they felt a surge of energy flow through their bodies. They walked toward the end of the path, feeling excited and curious. The light led them to a hidden temple.

As they walked inside, they were struck by its beauty. The walls were decorated with intricate carvings, and the air was filled with a sweet fragrance. The Temple was unlike anything they had ever seen, and they were in awe of its magnificence. 

Exploring the Temple, Sarr Heff Wir welcomed them and explained that it was a place of creation where the universe was born. Sarr Heff Wir showed them around the Temple and explained the significance of each room. As they walked, they felt a sense of wonder and amazement. They had never seen anything like it before. Sarr Heff Wir approached them as they were about to leave and said,

"You are the chosen ones. You have been brought here for a reason. You will be the guardians of this Temple. You must protect it."

The weight of Sarr Heff Wir's words hung heavily on the shoulders of the Leader and Ab In. They had never expected to find a hidden temple on their journey, yet they were chosen as its guardians. The idea seemed impossible. They were just two ordinary travelers, not gods. Ab In took a deep breath and spoke up. 

"Sarr Heff Wir, we appreciate the honor you have bestowed upon us, but we cannot protect this Temple. We don't have the power or the knowledge to do so." 

Sarr Heff Wir chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "My dear Ab In, you underestimate yourselves. You have been chosen for a reason. You have the courage and the heart to protect this Temple. You will learn what you need to know when the time is right." With those words, Sarr Heff Wir's presence began to fade. 

The Leader and Ab In were left alone in a vast, empty chamber that seemed to exist outside of time and space. The walls glowed with a soft, golden light, and the air was filled with a gentle humming sound. The two travelers looked at each other, unsure what to do next. They knew they couldn't leave the Temple unguarded but had no idea how to protect it. 

Ab In spoke up again. "We need to learn more about this Temple and its meaning. Maybe some clues can help us understand our role as guardians." The Leader nodded in agreement, and they explored the Temple.

They wandered through twisting corridors and vast chambers, marveling at the intricate carvings and beautiful architecture. As they explored, they began to uncover secrets about the Temple's history and purpose. They learned it was a place of creation where the universe was born.

Ab In and the Leader sat silently before the Temple, but the Leader seemed uneasy.

"Sometimes, in life and death, you must accept every obstacle as it is the first and the last thing you may ever encounter. Accept what we have. We become present with our breath when we accept our fate." Said Ab In to the Leader. 

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