The First Star of the World

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As Ab In and the Leader walked, they admired the smooth curves of the stones beside them. The Leader asked Ab In if the stones were the work of gods or men. Ab In looked at the Leader despairingly and stopped to glance behind him. He then said, "These stones have eyes and are alive. Someone is watching us."

The Leader looked closer at the stones but couldn't see anything. Suddenly, a shadow appeared so fast that it was barely visible. The two men wondered if it was another spirit or a new challenge. Then, a deep and dark voice echoed through the dead white stones of the gates of life, making them stumble in their place.

"Great Spirit of the Gates, help us walk to the end of this journey," Ab In shouted with all his power. Nothing but a small breeze covered the two men waiting for a reply. A dust of sand touched their feet, and a cold sweat hugged their existence.

"Are you afraid, master?" asked the Leader. "The unknown has to be feared but the choice is up to you if you want to continue," Ab In replied, opening his arms as if ready to embrace the unknown.

A shadow on the stones made its appearance, walking towards them. The wind and the dust of sand revealed a small boy with a ponytail. His skin was slightly dark, and his eyes were bright like the night stars.

"I am Sarr Heff Wir; I am the first star of this world and the last you see in the sky. I travel into eternity, and time does not affect me. My own hands made these stones. These are the images of my world. My creator has put me at these gates to observe humans and their behavior."

Ab In and the Leader silently listened to Sarr Heff Wir. They both waited for something horrific to happen, but nothing changed.

"Come sit with me." Sarr Heff Wir continued.

A door appeared from thin air onto a stone. Small stones moved on their own and created a path. Sarr Heff Wir smiled, looking at his creation.

Ab In was astonished by Sarr's creation and wanted to touch the stones, but Sarr Heff Wir stopped him.

"If you touch these stones, you will be here with me forever. Do you want to die in a place like this?"

"I will die no matter what I do."

Sarr Heff Wir turned to the Leader and said.

"Your master may be wise, but death is inevitable for humans. However, not all humans face the same fate."

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