Erotokitos and Aurostousa

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And Erotokitos sets forsook
In hospis made for those yet took
By harms beyond what man could heal
Inflict by flames the foes could deal.

By self he sets forelorn at length
Now sapped of all his knightly strength
And thinks on love who'd never know
That man was one who songs bestowed

Those nights before she went to bed
Before the maid was bid to wed.
And song she favored soon began
Unbid to flow from lips of man.

And Aurotousa come unseen
The wounds of knights as nurse to clean.
Did hear his voice and lover knows
As one at night who songs bestows.

And to the side of knight she went
From eyes her royal tears now wrent
And only moment pair then wrought
Enjoying love they darst not sought...

Then many years did come and go
And peace the acts of war bestowed
By dint of knightly works yet done
And battle Greece had sure been won

Then Stephen came who stars did know
And gift on heir of king bestowed
Who knew from past the princess longs
For automata playing songs

A box he made of gems and brass
Ornate as eastern Rome did cast
Their every work those days at time
For which they're famed as Byzantine.

And princess opened box and heard
A song therein that made her stir
A song her love before had made
When man on brink of death was laid.

And many music boxes since 
This tale of love have born yet hince...

And many music boxes since  This tale of love have born yet hince

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Hey guys this is the last Aurostousa and Erotokitos chapter. I hope y'all like it. Please vote comment and share!

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