The Flash

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In the near future a man name Eobard Thawn became obsessed with the Flash believing the historical superhero was the reason for all of his personal failings

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In the near future a man name Eobard Thawn became obsessed with the Flash believing the historical superhero was the reason for all of his personal failings. In an attempt to gain revenge Eobard set out to obtain superspeed using the superior technology of his time. After gaining this power he used it to turn back time arriving at the day that the lab accident occurred giving Barry Allen his powers. Instead of preventing the accident as he had hoped he caused it thus creating his own arch nemesis.  Now the two are interlocked in a temporal loop with Barry causing many of the misfortunes that plagued young Eobard's life and Eobard in turn creating the Flash. Is there anyway for Barry to escape this destructive cycle of revenge or is he destined to endure it by the decree of fate. He hopes to find his answers in the justice league.

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