Hawkman and Hawkgirl

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And Kendra seeks to spirit lift
By giving Katar meager gift
Of seeing place where earth is shown
From out of high and sloping dome.

Not even Sandman's sent to guard
To make conversing thing that's hard.
And Kendra long on earth then spoke
Of places gone and stories wrote.

And love that man for Kendra felt
With things she loved now also dwelt
And guilt at plan his kind conceived
The heart of prince did greatly grieve.

And knowing time was running low
When man this knowledge could bestow
Without the ears of any foes
Divulged the things his empire goads.

He spoke and Kendra told the truth
Though giving chore not little ruth

And Kendra long suspecting thing
Prepared her heart to response bring
And asked if anyway there's give
To stop the war his father bids.

And man now solemn nods his head
Though path now set does fill with dread
His heart so little courage seeks
The man from maid he'll never meet

Again should plan the prince does make
Be thing that guides this pairs own fate
So just for moment once again
To solely moment mind he lends.

The backdrop earth not moon in sky
But place where many stories lied
Of lover's dead who've gone, now laud
As starcrossed pairs on paths now trod

By man and woman sharing kiss
The first and last their sure they're gift.
And man does deem that only words
Of prince the heart of king may stir

If lies he's told of earths defense
To turn around their great offense.

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