Hawkman and Hawkgirl

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And down to planet pair then went
On mission king and father sent.
To learn what defense place then held
And see what dangers there did dwell.

In silence man and woman flew
As earth did near and danger grew
But stoic both the pair did seem
By years of warring crafts they gleaned.

And lack of weapons fending earth
From Thangar's race to stop their hurt
Did also help their nerves to stay
Now thinking war be easy made.

But sudden warning lights did flash
And ship they owned did start to crash.
Not struck by any weapon held
At least not one the pair beheld.

And scramble broke to try and save
The ship they both by orders gave
Were deemed to fly and safe return
For one in hopes to respect earn.

But not availed those warrior's plight
To keep their ship from losing flight
And down they violent went at last
Into the earth the pair then crashed.

And Katar raised his head to see
How bad the damage pair did grieve
And Tavak saw he, mortal harmed
Already dead beyond alarm.

And Katar Hol the exit pried
To leave this tomb not thing denied
To Thangar's prince who hoped to find
A fast escape his present bind.

Hey guys second chapter of Hawkman and Hawkgirl I hope you like it!!! Please vote, share, and comment!!!

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