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Sakura scanned the room, glancing from person to person as she thought up a plan for her match.

Stood across from her was Aburame Shino, likely one of the strongest shinobi in her graduating class. He used his clans insects to absorb chakra from his opponents, from what Sakura recalled.

'I don't really know any Justu strong enough to kill a large number of them at once,' Sakura thought, thinking of her best options, 'and insects don't use their brains the same way larger animals do, so any Genjutsu that targets an opponent won't work on them.'

In the end, she decides Taijutsu is likely to be Shino's weakest link. She'd observed him in the academy, saw his ability, he'd been average at best. Getting up close, wearing him down before using the ace up her sleeve gifted to her by Masato a few minutes prior.

She just needed to avoid using a lot of chakra since he could suck her dry in minutes.

"Are you both ready?" Hayate asked, raising a hand to begin signalling the matches beginning, when he received a pair of nods, he lowered it. "Begin!"

Immediately Shino's insects began crawling from his body to the ground. He wanted to take her out quickly, assumed she'd be easy as she always had in the academy.

His eyes widened slightly, not that Sakura could tell, when she charged forwards, circulating her chakra around her skin to feel for any wayward bugs.

Whenever she found one, she sent a slightly larger bit of chakra to the area, blasting it off as if it failed the tree walking exercise.

Sakura smiled as Shino realised his mistake, recalling a portion of his bugs to defend him.

But by then, she was close. Her fist flying towards the clumsy block of the Aburame's arms. It sounded out with a loud clapping noise, and Shino winced in pain.

Sakura didn't pause, though, continuing her string of attacks. They became less effective as Shino adjusted his block to better counter them.

Eventually, the boy managed to push her back away from him and create some distance. As he did though, Sakura began to prepare.

Placing her hands together in a string of seals she performs the regular clone technique, two mere illusions, but helpful.

Then they all charged as Shino struggles to determine which is the real one. Her use of Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings to make her clones actually have shadows helped greatly in increasing his confusion.

When the two had dissipated, Sakura smirked as she watched Shino let out a buzz that could only be described as annoyance. A larger number of his insects release at that.

The swarm was huge, now. Flying and crawling all around him were hundreds of bugs, ready to suck Sakura's chakra dry.

So, she pulled out her secret weapon, a kunai with a seal carefully etched into it, and threw it into the swarm.

A mere moment later an explosion rocked the room, sending a ball of flame to incinerate the swarm Shino had gathered.

"I gotta thank Masato for that later," Sakura smirked, but didn't let her guard down. Instead of a slightly singed and charred Shino, she found him replaced by a pile of bugs.

"You killed a large number of my allies with that last attack," Shino said from behind him, seeming somewhat upset despite his monotone voice. Sakura imagine Nanako and he would get along.

"Uh," Sakura shrugged, "we're kind of in the middle of a battle, but I'm sorry?"

Shino studied her for a moment, before he nodded, but instead of returning to fight, he raised a hand.

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