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"The coast seems clear for this morning," Kiba said simply, slipping into their barracks and taking a seat on his bed.

They had been in the Land of Mountains for about a week at this point, and had fallen into a relatively easy routine.

Every morning, lunchtime and evening one of them would do a sweep of the property's perimeter whilst Hinata did the same for the interior with her Byakugan.

Nothing had come up at this point, and Hinata confirmed it had remained safe with a small nod.

"Good, then we'll get started on today's training," Sakura said, watching as Shino stood to follow her, whilst the others remained seated. Masato was focused on his medical studies, whilst Nanako was still figuring out how to perform hand seals with only one hand.

Kiba was sat alongside Akamaru, reading through a scroll that had the Inuzuka symbol carefully placed on it. Hinata was meditating in a cross-legged position, her Byakugan active.

So, she and Shino made their way out into the courtyard. Most of the time they would find somewhere secluded to do their Kenjutsu training, but Riku had requested they remain on the property for the next month as additional protection before an upcoming trip to Grass country.

So, they gripped their swords carefully as they watched one another. Slowly, before either of them made a move, a few of the samurai had gathered to watch the training.

Then, they both burst into action.

Shino's strikes were stronger than Sakura's, but the pink haired kunoichi was more nimble. For each strike Shino landed with his dulled practice blade, Sakura landed two slightly weaker ones.

So, with more bruises than his training partner, he resorted to channeling chakra through his body and hastening his speed. Jumping into the air and spinning his blade in a circular motion in an attempt the daze, he landed before Sakura and bore it down with all his might.

But Sakura was not caught in the familiar move, and instead dodged backwards, leaving a tired Shino panting, but raising his sword to prepare for her counter.

Slowly, Sakura focused her own chakra, but instead of into her limbs in order to enhance her strength, it pulses into her blade, coating it with a blue aura.

She heads an audible gasp from a samurai at the front of the audience, the head samurai and man who they first met upon their arrival, Chiba Ginmaru. She doesn't let it bother her as she charges forwards.

The Land of Iron's samurai sabre technique was unstable on her blade as she moved through, and by the time she sliced forwards at Shino, the chakra had dissipated to almost nothing.

"That's annoying," Sakura groaned as she lowered her blade. "I can use it at full strength so easily, but lowering the chakra output for use during a spar is impossible."

"I imagine it isn't really a type of technique samurai would actually train with," Shino shrugs with a sigh. "They have many rules about what is acceptable to use against a comrade, even weakened versions during spars. I imagine the technique wasn't created with the possibility in mind."

Ginmaru walked forward then, holding the hilt of his Katana as he approached the pair.

"That was an impressive display of swordsmanship from both of you," he said honestly, "I'd be honoured if either of you would spar with me, next."

Sakura glanced at Shino, who shook his head before nodding her own, "okay, I'll be your opponent then."

The man nodded with a small, grateful smile before taking Shino's starting position. Shino joined the crowd of Samurai to spectate whilst Sakura took her own place opposite Ginmaru.

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