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"We were expecting an older team," the Kusa nin, a chunin based on his uniform, said idly to Sakura as he looked over the authorisation papers she had handed him.

"We're more than capable of such a simple mission," Sakura responded, careful not to appear weak, as she glanced at the bound prisoner they had to transport back to Konoha.

"Yeah, yeah," the Kusa nin muttered, signing something briefly on the papers before nodding. "Well that's all we need, so you're free to take the prisoner."

Sakura didn't respond verbally, but nodded and stepped forward. She grabbed the older boy, the traitorous Suki Kei, and allowed her favourite little summon to crawl from her skin to his.

The previously annoyed, slightly twitchy missing nin went slack when Oujimaru injected him with a powerful sedative. Most higher ranked shinobi would be able to burn it from their system with chakra, but an inexperienced genin wouldn't.

"Good, then we'll make our leave," Sakura said simply, turning to leave. The Kusa team did the same, although they eyed Sakura curiously, and both teams began to run in opposite directions.

"We'll take it in turns carrying the prisoner," Sakura spoke seriously, knowing it was important to act as captain even if her teammates were all her friends. "I'll start, then Masato, followed by Nanako and Shino will take the last stretch."

The team nodded at that, and they began the trip back to Konoha.


"Why do you think he did it?" Masato asked, watching the still unconscious prisoner they had been lugging around all day.

"There's a million reasons a shinobi may want to become a missing nin," Sakura shrugged, "some want money, fame or power. Others just want to escape the shinobi life entirely."

Nanako nodded at the explanation, and added to it, "he had allies outside the village, if his surviving teammate is to be believed."

Shino hummed, "there's a few groups of missing nin that operate in this area." He added, "I'd guess that he was planning on joining up with one of them."

Masato made a sound of understanding at the three before shaking his head, "I just don't really get why a person would betray their village like that." He saidy sounding angrier than before, "it makes me so mad."

Sakura nodded at that, knowing how it felt. "First there was that Kabuto guy, then Orochimaru's invasion, and even Hoshigaki Kisame and Uchiha Itachi showed up in Konoha."

Shino looked surprised at that one, and Sakura shook her head to herself. Technically, she shouldn't even know about that, but Ibiki had told her once he got out of the hospital.

"Makes you worry about our security," Nanako sighed, "what are ANBU even doing nowadays?"

A round of agreement passed through them before Nanako spoke again, "I think that's my goal, now." She said, "ANBU, I mean."

Sakura wasn't particularly shocked at the idea. Nanako had always showed aptitude at skills prevalent in ANBU members. Her stealth alone could probably get her in within a few years, and her skill with her ninja wires was unparalleled as far as Sakura had seen.

"I've been thinking about ANBU, too," Masato said then, "I want to hunt down missing nin."

Shino's insects buzzed, and he spoke softly, "I haven't really thought about what I'll specialise in. I always assumed I'd be like my father and work in reconnaissance."

Sakura nodded at her teammates, smiling when they shared heir goals. "Shino, you should focus on what you think you'll be good at, not just whatever your father did."

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