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"What is the meaning of all of this Sanvi?", an infuriated Aditya asked his ex-wife. Even her name was enough to leave behind a bitter taste in his mouth.

"What is the meaning of what Aditya?", she asked in a clipped and mocking tone.

"Why you insolent woman?", Aditya fumed at her nonchalant tone. 

"You very well know what I am trying to say. Here I am desperately in a need to move on, to get past you and all you wish to do is malign my character? Haven't you already done enough damage? What is that you want now, huh?", Aditya asked Sanvi in a defeated tone. He was almost on the brink of tears.

Aditya had posted a selfie, rather, the first selfie post their divorce. He just wanted to feel positive after a very heated and ugly divorce with Sanvi. It came as a lifetime relief for him after having been trapped in a very toxic marriage for 2 years. Where, most of the crowd on his social media page had been supportive, Sanvi had posted the most vindictive and contemptible comment on it, as though trying to push the entire blame on Aditya, where she had been the one at fault.

"I told you not to leave me. I told you I would change, not be so controlling, yet you left me. I had no other option.", Sanvi uttered venomously.

"Oh, is that so? And what were you exactly trying to achieve by doing what you just did Sanvi? I gave you a thousand chances, tolerated every shouting, abusive words, hurtful gestures, but you broke my soul that day by slapping me. Do you not feel my pain even in the slightest?" He chuckled humorlessly. "Oh, how could I forget? You feel nothing except your non-existing issues. You know no emotion other than anger, childish tantrums and wanting to control everyone's lives. Grow up Sanvi. At least have control over you own mind before even trying to control others. Now, I have left you. If you do not change your ways, one day you are going to end up alone."

"Don't say this, Aditya. Please. Just another chance. I will be the person you want. Please, Aditya, don't leave me.", she cried and pleaded.

"No Sanvi, not now. Not after you made me lose my self-respect, not after you made me question my worth. I cannot even meet my eyes in the mirror. You have broken me Sanvi. I have become a shell of the person I once used to be. Now, I simply refuse to do this anymore. Just grow up, and sometimes, at least, for a few moments if not all the time, do consider the feelings of others.", Aditya said in a calm and determined manner.

"Also, Sanvi, next time, even before you think of doing this, let me remind you, there will be severe consequences. I refuse to put up with your abuse anymore. Just one last thing, everything's already broken, collapsed, at least do not let the world see the wreckage of what had once been there. You do owe our failed relationship at least that much."

Aditya had a last deep glance at a bitterly crying Sanvi and he left. Meanwhile, she had been left behind to attend to her dark demons, now, with an ounce of guilt deep within.

Sometimes, you need to fight to let go off toxic relationships and toxic people. You might even need to put up the most fierce and bitter fight, at times. It's all worth it however, worth your mental peace, worth your happiness, worth you.

The third story in the lot...

Emotional and physical abuse by women, and men being the victims

Often overlooked upon, but this is the reality

And getting rid of such toxic relationships is in itself a Herculean task.

This was a short story which tried to portray the same

Do let me know how you feel about this!

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See you later :)

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