Beyond Life and Death

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Ashish was really concerned. Since the past few days, his best friend for life (that's what they have always referred to each other as) had been acting weird, like really weird. Isha had been outright ignoring him. And this was the first time since they first met twelve years back in school that Isha had been doing this. He just could not figure what was wrong with her or if there was anything which he had done wrong.

Ashish Mathur and Isha Desai have been friends since the past twelve years when Isha had saved him from bullies in the fifth grade. Ashish had always been a really shy kid minding his own business. Isha on the other hand, was a bold social butterfly. They fit in quite well. There were no secrets in between these best friends. Each knew the other like the back of their own hand.

And that's why Ashish was really perplexed and exasperated with Isha's latest behaviour. It was as though she was an entirely new person, not the Isha he had known all these years. These days, she kept to herself, avoided any company, stayed cooped up in her room at all the times, hid a lot of things from Ashish and had that forced smile on her face, that too on rare occasions. This was in stark contrast to Isha's normal behaviour and this scared Ashish a lot.

"What is with you huh, Isha? Like really, what's happening? Where's my bestie? Please tell me Isha. What's wrong bro?", Ashish barged into her room one day and demanded to know, more like, he pleaded with Isha to let him know.

"What? Nothing's wrong. And stop this man. Why did you enter my room without my permission?", Isha stated in a cold voice as though irritated with his presence.

"Oh, don't fool me. Who do you think of me? I know you inside out. Now I am going to sit here and you will be telling me what's going on.", Ashish declared firmly and sat on her bed.

"Don't you understand boundaries, Ashish? You want to know what's wrong huh? You are wrong. Everything's wrong with you. This constant nagging, your constant dependency on me, your clinginess, I am bored of it now. Just leave me alone. You get that. I am tired of you. Leave me alone!", Isha yelled at him frantically.

Ashish had tears in his eyes listening to her harsh words. Hot streaks started rolling down his cheeks before he could prevent them. With glassy eyes, he could see an expression of guilt on Isha's face, but it was replaced with coldness before he could revel in it.

Now he felt it. They say, your loved ones possess the capability to hurt you the most, he felt it today. He just wanted to cheer up his best friend, instead, he ended up being the one hurt.

"Okay Isha, please forgive me. I will leave. Sorry, for you ever had to put up with me.", he said in a cracked voice and left.

As he left closing the door behind him, a lone tear escaped Isha's eye.

"I am so sorry Ashu, but I have to do this. I cannot see you completely broken later.", she whispered softly still staring at the door.

Meanwhile, Ashish was passing through Isha's living room on his way out. He felt incredibly hurt and just wanted to go home now. Just then, his gaze fell on to a file lying near the TV. It had the typical hospital sign on it and since Isha lived alone, he knew it had to belong to Isha.

While the previous Ashish would have simply picked up the file and browsed through it, today, he hesitated doing so after his encounter with Isha. After thinking for a good 2-3 minutes, he picked up the file and browsed its contents. What he read simply appalled him. It was as though every last bit of sanity and understanding had left his mind. More tears gathered in his already red eyes and he just kept staring at those few words which had managed to change his life forever, within a matter of a few moments.

"So that's what you had been hiding Isha. Why? Why did not you tell me that you have cancer stage 4? Why Isha?", Ashish cried of frustration throwing the file on her bed.

Isha's eyes watered taking in Ashish's broken self. This was exactly what she had been trying to prevent.

"Ashu, dear, I am sorry. Please clam down. I will tell you everything. ", Isha took Ashish within his arms.

He hugged her tightly, "Isha please tell me all these reports they are false. I can't lose you. Please Isha.", Ashish pleaded desperately seeking for an assurance from Isha.

"Ashu, its the truth and we need to face it. That's why I started distancing you from myself. I just cannot see you in this broken state. So, I thought perhaps if I make you hate me, I might be able to save you from all the pain after I leave. But clearly it didn't work out, huh? My Sherlock Holmes figured out it all. Isn't it?", Isha joked trying to lighten the situation.

Ashish tried to smile for her, but he couldn't, he simply couldn't.

"Isha no. Let's take you to the best doctor. My dad knows this doctor in the UK. He has a brilliant track record. Let's get you there. Or we could try that radiation therapy. Also, there are some new medicines in the market. We can also try them out.", Ashish rambled trying to think of ways to save his Isha.

"Ashu, listen to me. Its stage 4 and it has already taken over my body. We were late. I just found out 10 days ago and now, there's nothing we could do of this. Please Ashu, I do not want to die with your heartbroken face as my last glimpse on this planet. Please Ashu, for me, smile.", Isha stated calmly having accepted the reality.

Ashish just shook his head, rejecting his words. He simply wanted to save his best friend and that's all he could think of.

"Hey Ashish, there's a plus side.", Isha suddenly declared.

Ashish furrowed his brows trying to understand what she wanted to say.

"You are scared of ghosts right? So, after I die, I will be your ghost guardian angel and protect you from all the bad ghosts. What say?", Isha wiggled her eyebrows trying to console Ashish.

But this just worsened the situation. Listening to her speak of death, he started crying harshly yet again.

Isha hugged him.

"Shh Ashish. Hush now.", she soothingly rubbed his back.

"Its all going to be alright Isha, isn't it my dear?", Ashish questioned in a hoarse voice now having grasped the reality.

"I wish.", Isha stated in a whisper.

Ashish just shook his head and promised to himself to make her smile despite of all the odds, to make her last days on this planet the most beautiful days.

Their friendship had persisted all these years and he knew, it would persist even beyond life and death. He was sure of it.

Those two really are the bestest of friends!!

But life happens...

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