The Last Journey

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"Oh god! Not again." Aditi was sprinting on the station stairs to catch her train. The train had already arrived on the platform and today she was late. She began racing on the platform just when the local started departing. "Let me at least board the general compartment." She continued running beside the departing train. A hand emerged suddenly from the door and she grabbed it. Aditi successfully boarded the train and was heavily panting. 

"Are you alright?" Rishi's heavy voice almost startled her. It was then that she recognized who had helped her board the train and that she was still holding his hand. 

She hesitantly let go of his hand and composedly said" thank you so much for helping me to get in. I would have been late today and I already have 2 late marks." They shared a brief laughter.

The train now reached Thane station and as expected a huge crowd got in. And this being a Monday, the rush of people became uncontrollable. Aditi was getting tossed in the crowd; even Rishi was. But when he saw Aditi's condition he protectively placed his arm between her and the neighboring crowd. Both knew it was not sufficient but Aditi's sweet smile was enough to give Rishi an untold satisfaction. The rest of the journey towards CSMT went around silently. Sometimes, they shared a secret glance with an awkward smile. The local had reached its destination. "Thank you", said Aditi and they parted their ways. That night was spent by them thinking about each other.

Today Aditi reached the station 5 minutes prior to the arrival of the train. She was waiting for the local but her eyes were searching for something else. Rishi saw her and waved at her. She waved back. 'Should I approach him? But how will I do it? Won't it seem weird?' Aditi was lost in her own thoughts when Rishi approached her. "Hi, how are you?"

"I am good. How about you?"-Aditi.

"Yes, even I am fine."-Rishi.

And then there was an awkward silence of 10 seconds. Meanwhile the local arrived at the station and they got in. They got a seat today. "What is your name?"-they asked the same question. 

After a silly laughter which they shared, Rishi said" I am Rishi Malhotra. I am a banker."

"Aditi Joshi. I work in a software firm."

They began chatting afterwards. It was a friendly talk discovering each other's whereabouts and job profiles.

"So, Aditi, where did you do your engineering?"-Rishi.

"I did it from Mumbai University."-Aditi.

"Oh! Is it? Even I am a Mumbai university graduate. For my MBA, I had been in the US for 2 years."-Rishi.

"Wow, so basically you are a US return. That's wonderful."-Aditi.

They reached their destination.

"Bye. See you." They bid each other goodbye and left.

This continued for many days. They chatted more openly and seriously now about their families, friends, goals in life.

"Rishi, we didn't share our contact numbers. Shall we exchange it? What do you say?"-Aditi.

"Yeah certainly."

And then they talked for the rest of the time as well. Aditi's lunchtime was now completely occupied by Rishi's calls and so was Rishi's evening time which he ideally spent with his friends was now completely given to a chat with Aditi.

One day while travelling, the train came to halt with a sudden jerk. They unknowingly held each other's hands. Rishi was the first to recognize it. He stared at Aditi until she also recognized it. Each had an alarmed look on their faces. The rest of the journey was spent silently.

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