A wonderful couple?

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"Alright that's enough. I cannot really do this anymore. Not to you, not to me. I am fed up and ahhhh. I just really need to come clean to you." Nisha's exasperated rambling and a huge frustrated sigh amidst that did not really startle her husband Avinash. 

If only, he had grown used to it, especially since the past few months. Six or seven, he could not perfectly remember the duration, not that it mattered. Nisha had been weird, really weird since the beginning. Just today, the tone was a bit more annoying compared to the other times and the words were different.

Instead of a few colorful words of a strong dislike for any of his actions or even his existence, today, it was about her, and as he could speculate, possibly her mistake? 

'Well, that's for a starter. Nisha, admitting her mistakes. Wow!', he thought bitterly. 

Theirs was never a happy marriage, rather, a far cry from happy, they could not even tolerate the presence of the other. Arranged by their business partner parents, they were the perfect example of a trophy couple. And, they preferred to have it that way. 

Before Avinash could even interject, Nisha continued, "And, do not even think that it's about you, I do not even feel that you are that significant, its just something that you should know, since I am now tired of hiding things, a lot of them. So, just be patient and listen." 

"Woah Nisha, hypocrite much. You are really expecting me to be patient and to listen to you. Whatever for?" 

Just as always, Avinash was rather perturbed by the way she spoke and decided to stand up against it. 

"You know what, provoke me as much as you want today. I am not going to give in to those provocations. What I want to do, is speak, and you will listen. Otherwise, papa won't be really happy seeing his darling son having a heavy disagreement with his wife." She sneered viciously.

If there was one thing which Avinash really hated, it was his papa patronizing him, in front of Nisha, especially in front of her. He was never the father figure Avinash had dreamed of, yet he expected Avinash to play the dutiful son. And of course, Avinash loved his father's business and him being the heir too much, to ignore Nisha's threats, for, they rarely were empty. 

"You wouldn't dare Nisha.", he spat. "Alright, just go ahead. Speak up." 

She smirked victoriously at that. 

"Thought so. Well, the thing is Avinash, I have an affair, I am seeing this person since the last three months or so." 

"Alright, so what am I supposed to do about this. Invite him for a golf match?", Avinash retorted.

"Aren't you appalled Avinash?", Nisha raised her brow at him, questioning his indifference. "I might be your trophy spouse, but still I am your wife. Aren't you furious at my infidelity?", Nisha asked in a tone which, if Avinash had never known her, he would have believed it to be concern and genuine ignorance, yet he could sense the underlying mockery. 

"News flash, my dearest wife, I could not care less. Do what you want, it does not concern me at all. And today, if we are really having a confession's night, I broke up with my secret date of 2 months, yesterday night. So, it does not matter. If I were to stop you, to fume at you for being with someone else, wouldn't it be hypocritic; and unlike someone here, I am not a hypocritic person." Avinash declared calmly. 

Nisha's face broke into a massive grin at Avinash's words. 

"Wow, so not really the perfect little son." 

Avinash actually smiled genuinely at that. 

"Far from it." 

"Well, in that case, there's an issue and I need to tell you about it." 

"And now she chooses to come to the point. Go ahead, dear wife." Avinash muttered sarcastically. 

"You see, today, while we were having lunch in a restaurant, I saw a few camera flashes. It seems certain to me that we had been caught by some paparazzi. And this would be disastrous for the both of us. If these make headlines, we would end up losing in some shares." 

Before she could continue further, Avinash interrupted her, "One second, what's the big deal about this. You can have lunch in a restaurant with your friend. I do not really see how this matters so much." He was annoyed by her limited understanding of a really unimportant scenario.

"Don't think I am stupid.", Nisha screeched, with anger lacing her voice. She could sense his expressions and what they meant. 

She then took a deep breath and continued. "See, the real issue is, I am afraid, some of those photos would be really inappropriate and that could cause trouble. If you understand what I mean."

 Avinash's eyes widened with understanding, "Ohh, ah well, I get it now. Nice. I mean, not so docile and sweet daughter huh." Avinash mocked at Nisha. 

She merely smirked a bit and then smirked some more. 

"As if that matters." 

"Believe it or not. I have a solution. After all, I am not invincible. I have been caught up in similar scenarios and I have dealt with them. In fact, I have a person who deals with them. If you wish, we can go ahead with him." His voice had now assumed a formal business tone, after all, it was business they were speaking and it was only for business that they were speaking. 

"Interesting. I would actually like to meet the person. What do you want in return?" Nisha had assumed the same formal tone. 

Rather than a husband and a wife speaking with each other or even an arch-nemesis speaking with the other, this conversation seemed like two businesspersons trying to strike a deal.

"You have always been smart Nisha. I do not want anything right now. Let's see when I deem the time to be appropriate." Avinash smirked, an evil smile threatening to peep through his lips.

 "You do understand that these pictures being released will not just threaten my reputation right? Yours is also at stake." Nisha spoke calmly trying to manipulate Avinash into speaking his mind. 

Avinash took a deep breath and said in a low voice, almost threatening,"I understand Nisha, it will affect my shares. But what will happen when the market sympathizes with a guy who's been cheated on, hmm? Won't that push you further into a deeper crisis?" 

Nisha looked at Avinash with an angered expression and then suddenly burst out laughing. "You have always been so understanding Avinash. I like that." 

"Well, I accept your offer. Let's strike a deal there." 

Avinash grinned ecstatically and brought his hand forward as a notion of peace for their newly struck deal. Nisha shook his hand with a firm and confident handshake. 

"You know, Nisha", Avinash said, glancing into her eyes, "This seems like the only time we have agreed with each other. Ahhh, progress." 

They exchanged a hearty chuckle and went their way. They had things to act upon - the wife and the husband. What a wonderful marriage they had, indeed!

Man, aren't Nisha and Avinash something else?

Do let me know!

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See you later :)

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