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"Buddy, you goofball, come here. We need to go search for a plot for our new home today. Where are you, you golden puppy?"

Buddy, Abhinav's golden retriever was far from a puppy, but Abhinav loved to refer to him so. Also, the fact that Buddy loved that, Abhinav could tell so from his playful barks upon hearing the word puppy. He was Abhinav's best friend whom he had gotten 3 years prior from a rescue shelter. Buddy was the tiniest and a really scared puppy but seemed to warm up to Abhinav real quick. He had been Abhinav's constant support through thick and thin for the past 3 years and the duo along with Abhinav's dad were the happiest little family.

Hearing knocks on the door, Abhinav knew it must be his father.

"Hey dad, how was the walk?"

Before his dad could reply, Buddy ran across the living room jumping on his second favourite human.

"Oh, you silly puppy. I was about to tell your dad that I got a treat for you.", By saying so, Abhinav's dad held an apple in front of him. Buddy started wagging his tell while nudging his favourite treat with his snout.

"Dad, Buddy and I are finding a new plot for our new home today. Will you accompany us?"

"Not today dear. I need to rest. I am exhausted."

"You okay na dad? Do we need to visit the doctor?", a concerned Abhinav questioned.

"No dear, it's okay. By the way, it's really good that you have decided to take Buddy along with you. Dogs have the ability to sense a negative presence. They can sense negative energy and warn you. Be wary of his reactions when you visit places.", his dad softly said.

"Oh dad, Buddy is just a goofball. You need to stop believing in these superstitions.", Abhinav completely disregarded his dad's warning.

"Abhinav, as much as you would not love listening to this, I request you to be cautious. Promise me, you would be, this instant.", his dad stated in a raised voice leaving no space for any disagreement.

"Geez dad, chill. Okay. Don't worry. I promise.", Abhinav raised his hands in surrender and promised.

Later in the day, Abhinav was on his way to see the fourth plot after not finding the first three interesting enough. Buddy was his usual playful self. Chasing the butterflies and literally anything that moved in those plot lands. Abhinav simply shook his head.

'And dad wants him to predict danger.', he thought sarcastically.

"Hey Buddy, let's see this one. Man, sure seems interesting."

This plot was a beautiful one indeed. Surrounded by tall trees and colourful wildflowers, it seemed like an ideal location for Abhinav. Yet, there was this constant nagging feeling at the back of his mind, which he simply brushed off.

'Might be dad's words have gotten to my mind.'

He shook his head to discard any unwanted thoughts. Just as he let Buddy out of the car, he started barking hysterically. No, it wasn't the regular playful barking of enjoying fresh air or being surrounded by trees. It was something else.

Abhinav crouched down to Buddy's level and whispered, "Hey man, what happened? Are you okay bubba? What's troubling you?"

Buddy let out sort of a strangled cry and continued barking relentlessly, nudging Abhinav with his snout as though trying to steer him in a direction opposite to the plot.

"Okay my sweet boy, I got that, you don't want to get in right? Don't worry, I will just take a look at the plot very quickly and then we can leave. Okay, my sweet puppy?", Abhinav tried to assure Buddy still stroking his soft fur. Yet, Buddy was far from stopping his endless barks.

Just as Abhinav put his foot ahead into the plot's premises, he felt a wave of intense emotions striking him. It was hatred, anger and immense pain which struck him as though he was the one experiencing someone else's emotions. He simply could not pinpoint what was it. There was some force pulling him in, urging him to walk inside. And the worst part was that he was unable to fight the pull.

In that frenzy, just as he was about to put in another foot, Buddy tugged harshly on his pants and with all the strength the dog could muster, he pulled his dad outside.

Abhinav fell to the ground outside after that harsh tug. Buddy put his front two feet on Abhinav's chest not allowing him to move. He growled at Abhinav as though daring him to go inside the plot.

When he fell to the ground, Abhinav suddenly felt relaxed, as though he had gotten rid of a strange pull.

"Man, what was that? I have never felt anything as negatively intense as that before.", he mumbled to himself, truly scared. Also, Buddy's protective stance warned him more firmly against getting in.

"Okay my sweet boy, I agree, let's move away from here and let's get you home. No more plot-hunting for today."

He secured Buddy within his car and having glanced at the strange plot for one last time, he too got inside and drove away.

Later that night, while Abhinav was completing his office work and Buddy was lazing around on the couch, as usual, the plot came to Abhinav's mind.

He typed the address of the plot on Google and started browsing through whatever came up. Whilst he was on the 7th page, he came across a news article.

"This 'paradise' was once the epicenter of black magic"

It was dated some five years back and when he saw the photo, it literally shook him. It was the same plot.

The number of people who had lost their lives in that small piece of land due to the most brutal and grotesque activities spooked the living hell out of Abhinav.

He took more than five minutes to just stabilize his racing heart.

He had simply averted a massive disaster today. He looked at his precious buddy who was now playing with his favourite stuffed wolf.

He cupped Buddy's snout and whispered, "My sweetest puppy, you saved my life today. I cannot even imagine what might have happened had I entered in there. Thanks, my boy." Saying so he gently pecked Buddy's forehead and took him in his embrace. Buddy let out a happy sigh and snuggled closer into his dad's chest.

Abhinav's sweet boy managed to turn a probable tale of horror into one of love and a sweet end.

So, how was our sweet buddy?

And how did you like him and Abhinav?

Do let me know in your comments!

Also, don't forget to VOTE and share!!

See you later :)

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