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"Y/n, are you ready?" Miguel asked as he sprayed cologne on his body.
-"Yeah, I'm just touching up my makeup." I say and fix my eyeliner.

"Hold on! I'm not ready yet!" Kim gasped and curled her hair.
-"Girls.." Dani sighed and exited the tour bus with a cigarette between his fingers.

We had an interview in about two hours. We've become a successful band in the 2000s when we all came together and decided to publish our music. People around the world loved us and I was proud of how far we've come. I honestly didn't think we'd make it..doubting yourself and friends is crazy but I didn't believe in myself.

After we were done, Dani came back onto the tour bus and we drove to the interview thing.
(Idk what it's called)

We pulled up and stepped out of the bus. My anxiety began to rise knowing that there was gonna be people watching.
"Oh, my god.." I said and took a deep breath, shaking my hands slightly.
-"You'll be fine." Miguel said and held my hand for support.
-"thank you.." I smile and hold onto his hand like it's the end of the world.

We entered the building and we met with the interviewer.

"You came just in time!" He smiled widely, shaking each of our hands.
-"That's great. we're usually late." Dani said with no emotion at all. He was never the type to speak with people. He always kept things to himself and never opened up to anyone about his feeling because the last time he gave his trust to someone, they told everyone they knew and it spread around the whole school.

"Alright, I'm gonna go sit and you'll walk in once I introduce you guys, that okay?" He asked and we nodded.
-"That's fine." I smiled and I held onto Miguel's hand.
-"great!" He said and made his way into the thing.
(Idk what it's called, stop!😭)

My anxiety rose to the point where my hands began to shake.
"Take deep breaths, Y/n." Miguel said and held both of my hands tightly.
-"Oh, no..here we go again." Kim shook her head and ran her hand up and down my back.

Kim has always been there for me since day one. She was the first person to speak with me in kindergarten. Miguel has been there since we were both a few months old.

"Now introducing! Band name!!"
The guy said and we made our way in.
I calmed down and pretend the fans weren't there. We waved with a smile and sat down on the seats that were there.

Me, Miguel, and Kim sat on the couch while Dani sat by himself.

"Welcome!" The man smiled, holding the cards in his hand.
-"Thank you for having us." Miguel smiled softly.
-"Thank you for coming." The man chuckled.

"Top second band in the world. How do you feel about that?" He asked.
-"We're grateful to even be the second." Miguel replied.
-"It's an honor." Kim smiled, holding her hands together, placing them in between her thighs. I could tell she was nervous.

"Thanks to all of our fans." Dani smiled slightly.
-"What about you, Y/n?" The guy asked, turning his attention to me.
-"Oh, uhm, what they said. It's an honor to be second best. I didn't think we'd actually get this far..I'm very proud of ourselves for coming this far and if it wasn't for our supporters, we wouldn't be where we are today. We really appreciate everything." I say, not stumbling over my words, surprisingly!

The guy nodded, listening to every single word that came out of my mouth. He smiled softly and looked down at the cards. He then began to ask us questions and on the last card he chuckled.

"Alright, what's your favorite bands?" He asked.
-"Oh, this is easy! I love The Smiths." Miguel smiled.
-"They just bring me so much comfort." He added.
-"Really? I like The Smiths too!" The guy laughed.

"I would have to say..Metallica." Kim nodded.
-"Metallica? I've heard of them but I never actually listened to them." The guy said, looking at her with a confused face expression.
-"You've never?!" She gasped.
-"Nope" he shook his head.
-"Then I totally recommend!" She laughed.
-"Alright, I'll listen to them when I get home, I promise." He smiled.

"What about you, Dani?"
-"I'ma say The Cure." He replied.
(Marry me)
-"The Cure? What a nice band. I've been listening to them since high school. They're quite the hit aren't they?" The guy smiled softly.
-"Yep" Dani nodded.

-"I think I'ma have to go with Tokio Hotel." I smile at the thought of the band name.
-"Why Tokio Hotel?" He asked.
-"They bring me so much comfort. Their songs have some really deep meanings to them and I can feel them in my chest. My emotions are more expressed with their songs. Every single day I'm listening to Tokio Hotel." I explain.

"Wow! What if I told you they were here? Watching you." He raised a brow, making me laugh nervously.
-"For real?.." I say in a low tone.
This is awkward
I thought.

"She's getting a bit nervous because she has a celebrity crush." Miguel smirked and I felt my cheeks flush slightly.
-"oh, really?" The guy laughed. I could feel myself blushing deeply and I covered my face with my hands.

"No, stop! You're lying..they aren't here." I say, my voice muffled by my hands.
-"They are. They're hiding in the crowd." He nodded, making me examine the crowed.

"Who's your celebrity crush?" The guy asked.
-"No one.." I lied, smiling softly, my hands still on my face.
-"is it Tom?" He asked.
-"no.." I shook my head.
-"Don't guess, don't guess.." I shake my head, my heart racing as I removed my hands from my face.

"It's Bill" Dani smirked. He's never really shown emotions but he can smirk to embarrass me?
-"Oh, my god! I don't like Dani.." I say, making him chuckle. At least he was showing emotion..I'm happy for him.

"Ooh.." the guy raised his brows up and down, the room going dark and the spotlight landed on the band.
-"Oh, shit..they're actually here?!" I gasp, taking a deep breath when I saw Bill smiling widely, waving at us. I swear I got a heart attack.

"Oh, oh..oh! Oh, my god! Wait!.." I say as I take deep breath.
(The fact this is actually me when I see Bill..It's embarrassing)
I'm embarrassing myself..
-"Woah, Y/n! Calm down!" Kim said.

"This is something that happens when she sees Bill." Miguel shook his head. I mean, he wasn't lying..

"Come on up." The guy said and gestured the band to come up. The crowed began to cheer as they stood up and walked down the steps, making their way onto the stage.

I couldn't breath anymore and asked for some water. I drank the water and Bill was looking at me worriedly.
"Are you okay?.." he asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't want cake.." I say as I look up at him.
-"cake?" He tilted his head in confusion.
-"wait, what did you say?.." I laugh nervously.
-"Are You okay?" He repeated.
-"Oh, sorry! I'm fine.!" I smile awkwardly.
If this couldn't get any worse..
I thought as he smiled and held his hand out for me to shake.

I shook his hand and I didn't wanna let go. His hand was so warm against my cold ones..I just want him so bad.

𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗞𝗮𝘂𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘇 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 :: ☆Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin